Page 62 of Lost Boy

Tortured is a man who can’t be with the only woman he’s ever loved.

Well, besides my mom, of course.

“Heads up, Huff,” Houston, another dude here for treatment, says, coming next to me. “My mom is coming to visit for Christmas, and you’d better believe she knit you a sweater.” He cringes. “She’s given me one every year since I was born. And before you say it’s no big deal, thinking you won’t wear it, she doesn’t take no for an answer. So, you will be wearing it, my friend. Here’s your warning.”

“Uhh … Houston, we have a problem.” I raise an eyebrow. “I’m not really the holiday-sweater-wearing type of dude.”

He waves toward himself in his gray T-shirt and faded blue jeans. “And you think I am?” He shakes his head. “Nah, man. But there’s no saying no to my mama.” As he walks backward, he shrugs. “Hope you like green, my man!”

And then he turns, heading toward his room.

Houston is one of the people I’ve become close with in here. He’s only a year older than me. He played football in high school, but after an injury, he got hooked on prescription pills and became addicted. He got here a week before I did and works out with me once or twice a day, every day. He isn’t big on horses, so when we get paired up to clean out the stalls, he’s about the worst partner to have.

Thinking about the horses makes me remember that I need to go check on Beauty, the horse that is indeed very pregnant. She’s due anytime now, and as fucked up as it might sound, I kind of want to be there when she has her foal.

I look outside and see the sun shining bright, and I wonder …Is Haley looking up at the sun too?Even the thought that she might be somehow makes me feel closer to her.



Isit in my car and stare at the house that my GPS led me to. My brother gave me Cade’s address and even offered to take Remi’s place and come here with me. I told him no. I was thankful to have Remi for the company, but I needed to do this part alone, and Hunter wouldn’t have allowed me to.

If I walk in there, I’m going to change their entire lives. I’m going to tell them that their son, who is not exactly stable, is going to be a father. They are just trying to help Cade, who is the most important person in their lives, get his life back. And here I am, about to drop a bomb and then walk off. I want them to know I love their son and that I want only the best for him. Even if I’m not it.

I let my gaze sweep the proximity of the house. The dark blue house with a pale yellow door and a farmer’s porch is oddly welcoming. It isn’t immense, like the one I grew up in, but it’s beautiful, warm, and inviting. I notice the swing that hangs from the large tree, and I wonder if Cade ever swung on it when hewas a kid or if it’s new. I look at the second story, gazing at the windows, and wonder which one was his room. The plants in the front yard, matched with the perfectly manicured walkway, paint the idea in my brain that his mother is a gardener and that she probably likes DIY projects, maybe looking at Pinterest and finding the perfect yard she wants. Perhaps the Huffs are like my parents and hire people to take care of that stuff for them. But for some reason, I doubt it. No, this place looks like each stone, every plant, and each flower was put there with love.

Eventually, I push my door open and walk toward the house. My feet somehow carry me along despite my brain and heart telling them to stop. Though it’s chilly outside, my armpits and palms sweat. And I’m thankful for Remi remembering to bring deodorant when I forgot mine.

Holding my fist up to the door, I knock. And when I stand there for a moment and no one comes to the door, I ring the doorbell. About thirty seconds later, Caden, Cade’s father, answers the door.

He looks surprised to see me, and his eyes squint a tiny bit. He saw me at the house the day they came and took Cade to rehab, but I have no idea if he even remembers me.

“Haley … is it?” he asks, and when I nod, he smiles. “I thought so.”

“Hi, Mr. Huff.” I give him an uneasy smile. “I’m sorry to drop in on you like this.”

“Please, call me Caden.” He looks a little worried, his brows pulling together. “Is my son okay? We spoke with him a little while ago. He seemed all right—”

Hearing the panic in his voice, I stop him. “Cade is fine. Well, I mean, I think he is. I haven’t talked to him or anything. But, I mean, that’s nothing new.” I stop myself, knowing I’m a blabbering mess. “I’m … I’m not really here about Cade.” Ipause. “Okay, that’s not true. I am here for Cade. But not in that type of way. Sorry, I’m really nervous.”

“Don’t be nervous. Come on in, Haley. Kat is just inside.” He waves his hand. “She’d love the visit, I’m sure.”

I didn’t really get a chance to talk to Cade’s mom, Kat, when they were at the house. It was a whirlwind. And Cade was acting like he hated me the entire time they were there. But from what I saw, she was so warm and sweet.

Slowly, I trudge inside. And when I see how immaculate their house is, I quickly slip my shoes off before following Caden farther into the house.

“Kat,” he calls, and I hear her clanging some pans around in the kitchen. “We have company.”

The sound quickly stops, and she runs around the corner. There’s a look of hope on her face that quickly falls when she spots me. I’m sure she was thinking, even for a second, her husband was surprising her with their son, and that makes me feel like an asshole for giving her false hope.

“It’s Haley, right?” She wipes her hands on her black apron that says#1 Momon it in white letters. “Hunter’s sister?”

I give her a nod and take her hand as she holds it out for me. “Hi, Mrs. Huff. I’m sorry to drop in on y’all like this. If it’s a bad time, I can come back.”

“It’s a fine time, Haley. But calling me Mrs. Huff makes me sound like an angry teacher or something.” She chuckles. “Please, call me Kat.”

“Kat,” I say softly. “Well, I’m sorry to show up unexpected. I, uh, just wanted to talk with both of you.”