Page 5 of Lost Boy

“Cade, you riding with us to practice tonight?” Watson calls behind him. “Yesterday, we gave up waiting for you and left. You were almost late, man.”

He glances back, his eyes flashing with something I can’t place, and he shrugs. “Uh, yeah. Sure, I’ll be ready.”

He looks at me once more before heading up the stairs. And dammit if my heart isn’t still thundering in my ears as my mind flashes back to him touching my back and that damn wink.

It’s fine that I’m checking out my brother’s best friend. I mean, whowouldn’thave a crush on Cade freaking Huff?


I walk into my room and close the door behind me.

Christ almighty, Haley Thompson went and grew the hell up.Like … really grew up.

The way her tits were straining against that T-shirt she was wearing or how her shorts hugged her ass like they had been made just for those scrumptious, round cheeks … I couldn’t help but look at her even though I felt like a pervert for it. I mean, hell, she’s my best friend’s little sister. Which practically makes her my sister. Only … technically, if I wanted to, I could bone her without it being called incest.

Of fucking course I want to.

But I can’t.

Hunter would literally kill me if I thought with my dick on this one. And my dick thinks she’s fucking smokin’ hot, and she has some pouty, plump lips that would feel awesome, wrapped around my cock. And, hell, she’d look great on her knees. I feel myself harden a tad, just thinking about it.

But Hunter is protective of his sister. And while I’m sure he’d secretly be okay with Watson going after her, I know I’m not thedude he’s going to give his blessing to so I can hook up with his baby sister. He knows me. He knows I’m a fucking mess.

A while back, Hunter told me and Watson that Haley had a stalker or some shit last year. And it ended up with her being kidnapped and assaulted. Luckily, she made it out of there safely, but, holy shit, that had to leave a scar.

She’s gorgeous, no doubt. But she’s been through enough without me thinking with the wrong head and making her living situation awkward. I mean, it wouldn’t be awkward for me because sex is sex. A time to blow off steam.And my load.I’m friendly with a lot of chicks I’ve fucked.

But she’s a good girl. And sex with a good girl is fucking complicated. They expect things. They hope for things. Things I don’t do. Besides, she’s like sunshine. And I’d darken her light. She doesn’t need me lurking around, ruining her. I’ll stay clear; I’ll just look from afar.

My phone rings, and I don’t have to look to know it’s my mother. She’s called eight times in the past twenty-four hours, and I’ve ignored all of them.

Feeling guilty, I slide my thumb across the screen. “Hey, Ma.”

“Cade! There you are!” She sounds more worried than pissed. “Why haven’t you answered your damn phone? I’ve called so many times.” She stops. “Where were you last night?”

“I passed out early,” I lie. “Practice was a rough one. LaConte’s trying to kill us, I swear.”

There’s a short pause.

“Cade, if something is going on, if you’re struggling … you need to tell me. Or your dad. Just don’t keep it in or hide things from us.”

“Relax,” I say quickly, trying to keep my voice soft, though that’s a struggle. “I’m good, I swear. You think I’d do anything to fuck up my spot here?”

“Language,” she groans before her voice breaks. “I feel like I’m losing you again. Your calls are few and far between. You hardly message me back. Maybe I’m being crazy. I know it’s not fair, me not trusting you.” She sniffles. “I’m just so scared.”

“Mom, I’m good.” I feel a pang in my chest. “I promise.”

She sighs into the phone. “All right. I love you, but please, just pick up your phone before I drive to Brooks.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I say quickly. “I gotta run. Tell Dad I said hi, and y’all don’t miss me too much. Love ya.”

“Love you more.” She sighs. “Talk with you later.”

“Bye, Mama,” I drawl and end the call.

Dragging my hand down my face, I collapse on my bed. Because if there’s one thing I hate doing … it’s lying to that woman.

Yet there I went. Doing it like it was my fucking job.