Page 58 of Lost Boy

I don’t understand why, but in that moment … Haley’s face comes into my mind. She’s sad. That beautiful smile is gone, andthere’s a lost look on her pretty face. Her bright light … burned out.

Before I can stop myself, my mouth opens.

“All right,” I whisper, sucking in shaky breaths. “I’ll go.”



“So, you, my dear, are most definitely pregnant,” Diane, the midwife, says, looking at my chart. Her short, curly hair is the most beautiful mix of salt and pepper, and her olive-green scrubs make her blue eyes almost glow. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” I mutter. “Can I go now?”

She frowns, opening her mouth to talk before my brother interrupts her.

“Hales, you must have some questions?” Hunter says from the corner chair.

I tried to leave him at home, but the asshole wouldn’t take no for an answer. Remi was supposed to be here, but then she had to go get the stupid flu.

“Well, actually, no, you can’t leave yet. We confirmed pregnancy with a urine specimen, but now, I’d like you to have an ultrasound.” She glances at my brother. “Are you—”

“Her brother,” he blurts out before the midwife can say partner or something really gross. “I’m her brother.”

Diane smiles. “Wow, you’re her brother, and you came to her first appointment. That’s so sweet. I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a brother come in.”

“Yeah, well, the baby daddy is in re—”

“At home, sick,” I blurt out, cutting Hunter off and shooting him a death glare. “He’s sick, so I’m stuck with my brother, who talks too much and overshares.”

“Uh, yes. Lots of crud going around, making everyone sick, unfortunately.” The midwife frowns. “So, first off, if you haven’t started taking prenatal vitamins, start today. And you’ll need to stop at the desk and set up the rest of your appointments. After that, you’ll go down to imaging, and they’ll get your ultrasound all done.”

“If that’s done through my woman parts, sorry, bro, but you’re going to be hanging outside,” I mutter. “I love you and all, but … no. Just no.”

He scrunches his nose up and scowls. “Yeah, fuck that.”

Diane watches our exchange before chuckling. “Lucky for you, you’re far enough along that an abdominal ultrasound will be just fine.” She gives me a reassuring smile. “Though maybe I should have lied. You know, just in case you wanted to keep your brother in the waiting room.” She turns toward the standing computer, hitting a few buttons before looking at us over her glasses. “Do you have any more questions or concerns?”

“Nope, all set,” I say quickly before hopping down from the exam table.

I don’t say good-bye before I pull the door open and walk to the desk. My brother is hot on my heels, and I’m surprised he doesn’t scold me for being a bitch to poor Diane. It’s not Diane’s fault that I haven’t heard from Cade since he left a week ago. And even though that’s not by his choice—because his parents toldHunter that Cade won’t be allowed to contact the outside world for weeks—I still know in the back of my mind that even if he could call me, he wouldn’t.

And that … well, it puts me in a really bad mood. Because that man’s penis impregnated me. He’s away at rehab. He hates my guts. And now, here I am, with my freaking brother taking me to my first prenatal appointment.

It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything. Is. Fine.

“Holy shit. That’s your baby, Hales,” Hunter whispers next to me. “Like, a real-life human-slash-alien is growing inside of you.”

I look at the screen that shines bright in the dark room. It doesn’t look like a baby, more of a blob. But we’re told the flicker on the screen is a heartbeat. Which means … I have two hearts beating inside of me right now. Which is ironic because it doesn’t even feel like my own is working at the moment.

As I continue to watch the little flutter on the screen, a rush of emotions hits me. This baby is part of me, but it’s also part of Cade. We made this. Before everything seemed so … hopeless.

But as I take in the image of the life inside of me, I blink back tears. This isn’t how I ever imagined my first pregnancy would go. But somehow, the universe knew this is what I was meant for.

So, because of that, I vow, right now, to love and protect this baby at all costs. I also vow the same for this baby’s father. Because without him, there wouldn’t be that heart beating on the screen, reminding me I’m alive. And that my life is happening, ready or not.

“It’s all going to be okay, Haley,” Hunter tells me, giving my hand a squeeze. “I promise.” He stops, swallowing thickly. “And Cade … well, he is going to be all right. I know it,” he says, knowing what matters most to me right now.

I give him a tiny nod, trying my best not to burst into a fit of tears. My chest burns, begging me to let every emotion inside of me out, but I keep it together. I have to keep it together. It isn’t just about me anymore; I can’t be weak and fall apart. Even if it’s the only thing I want to do.