Sitting across from me at the diner, Remi eyes me over. She stares at me curiously, and I’m scared to death of what’s going to come out of her mouth next. We’ve known each other for so long that I swear she knows me as well as I know myself. This is the first time I’ve seen her since mysex with Cadedebacle, and all it’s going to take for me to spill my guts about the whole thing is for her to suspect something.
“You look weird,” she says, narrowing her eyes. “Why do you look weird?”
Stuffing a pancake into my mouth, I nervously shrug. “Me? Weird? I’m not weird.” I swallow the excessive amount of food before chugging some now-lukewarm coffee. “You’re weird. Not me.”
The staredown continues before that look flashes in her eyes. The look that says …You have a secret, and I’m sure as hell going to find out what it is.
“You slept with Nash!” she whisper-yells. “You got it on like Donkey Kong with football boy!”
I gawk at her. “What? No, I did not sleep with Nash. I haven’t even kissed Nash.” I grimace. “I don’t want to either.”
“Why? He’s so hot.” She looks disappointed. Then, her eyes widen, and she smiles from ear to ear. “Cade! You slept with Cade! I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out sooner since, hello, he took you to a bookstore and on a pizza testing date!” She’s practically bouncing in her seat. “Hanging out with Nashandrolling around in the sheets with Cade? Who are you, and what have you done with mousy, sweet, and innocent Haley Thompson?”
“I haven’t even confirmed if I did it, Sherlock Holmes,” I sass. “I might not have slept with anyone!”
“But you did,” she says, calling my bluff. “So, don’t even lie.”
Pushing my plate to the side, I shield my face with my hands. “I did,” I mutter. “After that party at the football house, I had sex with Cade Huff—among other things.”
“I knew it!” she squeals, and I’m so glad we are in a corner booth all by ourselves so that no one is staring our way. “Tell. Me. Everything.”
Slowly, I bring my hands down. My cheeks are on fire. “Well, for starters … he doesn’t even remember it.” I pout. “I’mthatforgettable.”
All the excitement leaves her face. “Oh shit,” she mumbles. “That’s, uh … wow.”
“Tell me about it!” I grouch. “There I was, drunk off my ass, and I still know it was the best sex I’ve ever had. Meanwhile,town bicycle, lady killerCade Huff can’t remember it. The asshole.” I drag my hand over my face. “Seriously?”
“Fuck him,” she says, trying to lighten my mood. “And who knows? Maybe Nash will be even better.”
“I’m not going to just go jump on Nash’s dick because Cade is too much of a jerk to remember having sex with me,” I huff out, shaking my head. “It is what it is, right?”
“Right,” she says before cringing. “Oh crap. You have to go watch the fundraiser this weekend though. The one the Brooks hockey team and dancers are doing together.”
Damn my brother for giving me a ticket to that.And damn me because I felt too bad to say no.
“Do youhaveto remind me?” I groan. “I can’t wait to watch him and Poppy fondle each other onstage.”
“Well, I’ve heard Poppy is a complete bitch.Sonot like that little pink troll from the movie.” She shrugs nonchalantly. “His loss, babe.”
I exhale slowly. Resting my elbow on the table, I cradle my cheek in my palm. “Yeah,” I barely squeak. “His loss.”
It’s our last dance practice before the big event, and I think we’re ready. Or as ready as we’ll ever be. Poppy and I are just finishing up. And as I grab my sneakers and start putting them on, she steps in front of me.
“Hey, Cade?” Poppy’s voice is much softer than it usually is. “Can I ask you something?”
“You can, but I might not answer.” I wink. “This isn’t Truth or Dare. So, technically …”
Shooting me a glare, she comes closer to me, dropping her voice to a whisper. “I know you and I aren’t super close. And if itwasn’t for this fundraiser, we probably would have gone through our whole lives without speaking. But I just … please don’t get mad.”
As she pauses, my entire body grows on edge. Because I know I don’t want to hear what she’s about to say. When someone uses the wordsdon’t get mad… it’s never good.
“If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. About Haley. Or … other stuff.” She looks down for a second before standing taller. “My brother is an addict and—”
“Whoa, girl,” I say, stopping her. “I don’t know what you’re trying to imply, but pump the fucking brakes.”
“There’re just a lot of signs, you know? That you’re … using drugs,” she whispers. “You’re always late. You’re moody. I swear you’ve lost a little weight since we started dancing together.” She stops, swallowing. “But mostly … I saw your truck at Van’s last week. He’s a bad dude, Cade. I really hope you’re not getting tangled up with him.”