Page 24 of Lost Boy

“If Brewer’s is the best, you have to give up something you love for two weeks. If Rosalie’s is the best, I have to give up something.”

I don’t even have to think of what I’d want her to give up. It’s easy. “Candy. Of any sort. If you lose, none of that sugary shit for you.”

She widens her eyes. “You are cruel. But fine.” She looks deep in thought for a moment before a light bulb goes on. “Sex. If I win, you have to stop being a man-whore for two weeks.”

I frown, rearing my head back. “Who says I’m a man-whore? Have you seen me bring anyone home since you moved in with us?”

“No. But I hear things.” She laughs lightly, but I can tell she’s feeling awkward. “But if you and Poppy are dating, obviously, you can hook up with her. I just meant … you know, word around campus is that you like to sleep around.Allof the hockey guysdo. So, you know, I was talking about that.” She exhales slowly, putting her hand over her eyes. “I’m going to stop talking now.”

“I amnotdating Poppy.” I snort. “Hell fucking no.”

“Oh,” she says softly. “I just … I thought …”

“She kissed me to be funny. We sure as shit aren’t dating,” I tell her. “But I’ll take your bet, Haley baby. You’re on.”

Satisfied with my answer, she smiles. “Okay, you’re on.”

We head toward competitor number one, Rosalie’s.

“Poor fucking Reggie’s Pizza didn’t even make our bet. Fucker probably will be the best one.”

“Guess we shall see,” she singsongs. “Let’s go stuff our faces. I’m starving.”

“Yeah, me too,” I mutter, knowing that what I’m starving for isn’t food.


In the end, neither of us won. Reggie’s was, hands down, the best pizza I’d ever had in my life. And when we both bit into it, we looked at each other because we knew it beat the other two. By a long shot.

Which means … he can still have sex with whoever he wants. Which is annoying.

But on the bright side, I don’t have to give my candy up for a month. Thankfully.

We walk along the sidewalk, our hands almost touching as we trudge next to each other.

“I’m so full,” I whine. “Why did you think this was a good idea?”

“Babe, I feel the same. But when I bet you to eat two more slices at Reggie’s, I didn’t think you’d actually do it.”

“I grew up with two brothers. I hate turning down a bet.” I grimace, rubbing my stomach. “It seemed like a great idea at the time. Plus, you told me I couldn’t do it.” I groan, feeling like crap for stuffing myself so full. “Now, I know I should have just left after one slice. Considering they were the size of my head.”

He glances at me before messing the top of my hair up with his hand. “I’ll admit, I’m pretty impressed. I’ve never seen a chick eat that much.” He chuckles. “Hell, half the chicks I know would have just eaten some lettuce. They’d be over there, actin’ like a damn rabbit.”

“I sort of wish I were like that. But what can I say? I love food way too much. Food and books are life,” I say, absolutely meaning it.

“And sweatpants.” He grins. “Don’t forget how much you love those.”

“Um, yes. And I’m not ashamed either,” I deadpan just as my phone chimes in my pocket. Taking it out, I see a message from Nash.

Nash … who I ditched today to hang out with Cade.

“That your boyfriend?” Cade nudges me, grinning, but there’s a hint of some other emotion on his face. “Soft Hands Nash?”

Rolling my eyes at him, I sigh. “Yes, it’s Nash.”

His jaw tightens, like he wasn’t expecting it to actually be him. “Are you guys dating or …”

“No, we are not dating.” I shake my head. “We’ve hardly even hung out.” I look at him, gauging his reaction. “But he’s really nice.”