Page 14 of Lost Boy

“Trying to figure it out,” Hunter utters. “Watson’s more indecisive than a fucking five-year-old child with ice cream flavors.”

“Hales can decide.” Watson shrugs, tossing the remote to Haley. “Just nothing where the dog dies.”

“Word,” I add. “If the dog dies, I’m out.”

Chucking the remote at me, she grabs the pillow and lies down, a yawn ripping through her. “Cade can choose. As long as it isn’t a documentary about anything medical, I don’t care.”

When Watson and I look at her funny, Hunter shrugs. “Thompson household things—you wouldn’t understand.”

“Huh. Well then …” is all I say before I start my search.

It takes me a few minutes, but I wind up on something that everyone will enjoy. And if they don’t, that’s on them.

“ThefuckingNotebook?” Watson scoffs. “Are you serious right now, Huff?”

“Have you seenThe Notebook, Gentry?” I ask, raising a brow at him.

“No. And I don’t think today needs to be the day I do either.”

“It’s a good one. My mama’s favorite.” I wink. “So, sit back, shut up, get a tissue ready, and enjoy the fucking show.”

I relax, getting comfortable. Fully ignoring the three sets of eyes staring at me in shock.

What can I say? I like what I like.

Haley snores softly, but I’m the only one close enough to hear it over the television. The girl didn’t even make it to the part when Noah gets his woman back. Watson might have made fun of mychoice in movie, but I don’t think that fucker has even blinked the entire time.

Haley’s lips are parted, and her hand is resting between her cheek and the couch. I wonder if she always sleeps like that. She looks so peaceful. A sort of peace I could only dream about, but I know I’ll never reach it. Still, something about watching her … I find a calmness just in that itself.

The movie ends, and it’s only Watson, Haley, and me left. Hunter left halfway through to take a phone call and never returned. And even though Watson was engrossed in the entire thing, now that it’s over, his eyes look heavy.

“Well,” he says, yawning, “that was fucking depressing.”

“Why? Now, they are both birds, probably shitting on people and living their best life.” I stretch my arms before resting my head on my hand, winking at him. “If you’re a bird, I’m a bird, Gentry.”

“Shut up,” he groans. “You’re such a vagina sometimes, man.” He yawns again, tilting his head toward Haley. “I guess we should wake her. Or … carry her? Or maybe we could leave her there? She looks comfortable.”

“She can’t sleep out here all night.” I shake my head. Taking my phone out, I pretend like I’m scrolling and bored. “I’m not all that tired yet anyway. I’ll move her in a bit if she doesn’t wake up. No biggie.”

He doesn’t argue with that. Instead, he stands up and heads up the stairs. “Night, Hufferpuff. Have fun crying into your pillow, watching more shitty movies.”

“You loved that movie, and you know it.” I give him a cocky grin. “You candle-sniffing, Nicholas Sparks–loving bastard.”

He ignores me, but gives his head a slight shake and heads to his room. Once he’s gone, I set my phone down and look at her again. I don’t want to just move her; I want to carry her to mybed and hold on to her like a damn comfort pillow. Keeping her close to me could chase away my nightmares … maybe.

I don’t want to scare her though. Which is part of the reason I don’t want to leave her out here alone. What if she wakes up and doesn’t know where she is? That might freak her out. Then again, she’s sound asleep, and considering her history, having a dude suddenly picking her up probably isn’t the best idea either. But reluctantly, I stand and kneel down next to her.

Brushing a strand of hair out of her face, I get a better look at her. Admiring that handful of freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. And her plump lips, which are a shade of deep pink, and I can’t help but wonder what they taste like. Sweet, just like her, I imagine. Her lashes are thick and dark compared to her hair, which is a mix of golden blonde and almost light brown. I brush my thumb across the smallest beauty mark that rests above the left side of her lips, making her that much more stunning.

I take a mental picture of her right now even though it probably makes me a creep. Because, to be honest … I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in all my life.

An angel. But who was she sent here for? It sure as hell wasn’t me.

Gradually sliding my hands under her back, I start to pull her to my chest when her eyes fly open, and she inhales so deeply that her throat squeaks. Pure panic covers her face until she sees it’s just me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” I whisper. “I just … I didn’t want your back to hurt tomorrow from sleeping on this tiny couch.” I feel her heart racing against my body. “You’re safe,” I tell her softly, but I don’t know why I said it or what would make me comfortable enough to say something like that.

She studies me for a second before her eyes look sleepy again, and she yawns as she gives me a slight shake of her head. “It’s fine,” she whispers before wrapping her arms around my neck.