“That’s what you got? Out of that entire list of shit I just rattled off … that was your takeaway?” She moves her head from side to side. “You’re such a dude.”
“Well, yeah. My third leg doesn’t lie.” I keep my face straight.
Her cheeks redden a little, and she starts walking. “Don’t let me forget to get some bottles of water. We’re almost out.”
“You got it, babe.” I smile. “And I need deodorant, or I’ll be fixing to smell like ass in another few days, and then I’ll have to use yours.”
“Don’t you dare.” She shoots me a warning look, pointing her finger.
As I push the cart next to her, I can’t help but feel a sense of comfort. Something I don’t usually feel. Ever.
I could get used to this.
I could get used to her.
As Cade’s playlist continues to play in the truck on the ride back to Brooks, I can’t help but notice how many different types of music he listens to. Country switches to rock and then light metal before a little rap gets mixed in and even some pop tunes. Cade Huff has a lot of layers, it seems. But I get the feeling he won’t let me be the one to unpeel them.
“So, tell me about this dancing thing y’all have going on,” I say, glancing over at him, knowing I need to add something in there so I don’t sound like I’m being nosy. “Are you going to wear tights or what?”
“Nut huggers?” he says, raising an eyebrow. “Why? Are you hoping I will so you can get a little peek?” He does a cheesy, seductive smirk, narrowing his eyes as he bobs his head up and down. “Ohh … sweet, innocent Haley Thompson has seen me shirtless, and now, she wants me to wear tights so she can see my D. I see how it is.”
“Um, no.” I scrunch my nose up. “I don’t think I’d ever want to see you in a set of tights. Sorry. But … ew.”
His eyebrows shoot up. “Woman, I’d be doing everyone in that building a favor if I wore nut huggers, showing a perfect outline of my dick. Don’t even lie.” He shakes his head. “But then I’d probably pop a hole in them because you know …sobig. And that’d make for an awkward night.” He chuckles, amused with himself. “And it’s going all right, I guess. The chick I’m dancingwith is really fucking intense. And in case you haven’t noticed, I’m just not that serious. Not about dancing anyway.”
“You? Not serious?” I feign shock. “You don’t say?” I smile at him, poking a finger into his side before I pull my hand back. “So, you’re saying you clash?” I ask, trying to get a feel for what kind of relationship the two of them have. Because the thought of them having one at all bugs me. “Or … no?”
“Oh, hell yes, we clash. We’re like oil and water,” he instantly rattles back, and I feel a pang of jealousy in my gut. “Or pineapple and pizza. Which is gross, by the way.”
They probably have some sort of weird sexual tension between them. The kind I read about in my books. Everyone knows that those types of couples have the hottest sex.
I play with my necklace mindlessly, dragging in a quiet breath.
Before I can respond, he continues, “She’s kind of a bitch, but I think it’s because she probably has a shit ton of pressure on her shoulders.” He shrugs, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. “Any other chick would probably let me get away with fucking off during practice. Her? Forget it. She’s more of a hard-ass than Coach is.”
I shift my gaze to the road. “Wow, she sounds … interesting.”And like I suspected … exactly like a girl you’d find in an enemies-to-lovers book.
“She is,” he mutters. “That’s for damn sure.”
The way he talks about her sounds like he’s almost … fascinated by her in some weird way while also being aggravated. And why wouldn’t he be enthralled? He’s an athlete. She’s an athlete. A top-tier one at that. I, myself, am intrigued. But I’m also annoyed, thinking about how, if this were a book, he’d probably be sneaking her into the closet of the dance studio, doing dirty things to her fit, seamless body.
And now, I’m grinding my teeth, imagining punching a girl over a hypothetical situation.
People like Poppy and Cade are used to being the center of attention. The kind of people who, when they walk into a room, others take note of. I’m just me. I don’t even know where I fit in or where my place is.
And Cade Huff? He fits in everywhere. And is loved by everyone. Of course he isn’t into me. Even if I wish so badly that he were.
We get home and put away the groceries, and then I sneak away to my room for a little bit to take care of business. The business that will keep me from biting everyone’s head off. Mostly Haley’s because even the thought of hypothetically snapping at her makes my stomach turn.
My mind travels back to when Hunter told us about Haley’s attack. I can’t help but wonder if she is ever nervous or scared in day-to-day life now that something like that has happened to her. I mean, fuck, the girl was stalked and kidnapped just last year. She had a literal living fucking stalker. But she walks around, looking like sunshine, shining everywhere she goes. I don’t understand it. How can someone be that good? That … strong?
Maybe it’s an act. I mean, I, myself, play the part of the carefree, funny guy everyone wants to be friends with. I play it well too. But deep down, I can hardly stand myself for beingthe fuckup that I really am. She doesn’t seem like she’s acting though. She comes off as far too genuine for that.
Most of the guys on the team know that I’ve been to rehab before. I think for a lot of them, they probably think I was a kid who partied too much and my parents sent me to rehab. I doubt they know how deep I was into bad shit when my mom and dad made the choice to ship my ass away.