Page 81 of Lost Boy

“About to have a kid. Off the team. Sober as a nun, sipping Coca-Cola instead of downing shots?” I tilt my head to the side. “Absolutely, Coach.”

He chuckles, and his hand squeezes my shoulder before releasing it. “Proud of you, Huff. You make a damn good addition to the coaching staff.”

“Thanks, Coach,” I say and look toward the team celebrating. “They deserve this. Each and every one of them.”

“They do. And you’re still one of them, son. Once a Wolf, always a Wolf.” He smacks my back lightly before walking away.

And I watch the best group of dudes I know completely freak out because they’ve worked their entire life to get to this point.

I don’t feel jealous or envious. And I’m not beating myself up inside that I’m on this side of the Plexiglas and not out there. But what I do think about is how much Eli would have loved this. And how I wish he could have been here with me, celebrating this day that will never be forgotten by any of us here.

And I tell myself that he’s with me. Right now and always.



Nine Weeks Later

Istand in the spray of the shower for God knows how long. I don’t feel well today, but I’m not having contractions. At least, I don’t think I am.

I feel crampy. Like I have my period, but times ten. The pain can’t be timed, and it doesn’t stop and start back up. It’s continuous and annoying. I’ve chalked it up to likely just being some Braxton-Hicks, that my body is just preparing me for what’s to come, but when I become lightheaded, I realize something isn’t right.

I blink a few times, wondering why my head feels so fuzzy and thinking of how to make it go away, coming up with nothing. I turn the shower off and grab my towel. I only make it a few steps before I feel like I’m going to faint, and I quickly sink to the toilet seat.

The pain in my abdomen worsens, and I cry out in agony. I know I need to call Cade and have him take me to the hospital, but my phone’s in my room. I’ll be strong enough to move from this spot in a few minutes. I’ll regain my strength and then call him, and he can take me to the doctor to be checked. It’ll all be fine.

This is normal, I’m sure.


I knock on the door for the fifth time, and still, no answer. I don’t like to just barge into Haley’s house—it doesn’t feel right—but right now, knowing she could go into labor at any time … fuck it, I’m going in.

Pushing the door open, right away, I notice how quiet it is. Maybe she’s sleeping though.

“Haley?” I call out, not loud enough to scare the absolute shit out of her if she’s sleeping but enough to hopefully cause her to stir. “It’s Cade. You all right?”

No answer.Great.

I check each room, my heart beating faster when I find another empty. Finally, the only room left is the bathroom. The last thing I want to do is invade her privacy, but it isn’t like her to not answer the door. Maybe she’s out on a walk, but I’m not taking any chances.

I knock on the door. There’s no answer, but I push the door open anyway. And when I do, my heart leaps into my throat. I bolt toward Haley, who’s lying on the floor. Her skin is so pale,and her body is only partially covered with her towel. But that’s not what has my body turning to ice. What does is the blood on the floor, telling me something is clearly wrong.

Very wrong.

I shake her a few times before putting my ear to her chest. Tears of relief fall from my eyes when I hear her heart beating.

“Baby, wake up,” I cry, lifting her into my arms, but she doesn’t respond.

Taking my phone out, I dial 911 and yell frantically into the phone for them to send help.

I break down, holding her close to me, begging her to just open her eyes.

I look down at Eli before shifting my gaze to his mom. A few hours ago, they delivered him by emergency C-section, and now … he’s in my arms while Haley still hasn’t woken up. The doctors said that what caused her distress was her placenta detaching, but they are confident she’ll be fine. So, now, here I sit, holding our son and praying to a god that I don’t even really know exists for her to just wake up from the anesthesia and meet our boy.

“You’re so lucky,” I whisper to him. “Your mama is an angel.”

“Is that right?” Haley’s voice croaks, making my eyes fly to her.