Page 4 of Lost Boy

I glance in the mirror. My dirty-blonde hair hangs down past my shoulders in thick, sun-kissed waves. As much as I like to straighten it to make it smoother, it takes too long because I have too much damn hair. My green eyes have always seemed a smidgen too big for my face, and the light-colored freckles splattered across my cheeks and nose are just annoying. I am pretty, but not breathtaking. Not like the girls who usually surround Cade.

My stomach growls, telling me it’s time for some lunch. I grabbed a few groceries last night, but I’ll surely need to go to a store again soon. Especially living here with three dudes. If they are anything like Hunter, they can eat like bears.

Heading downstairs, I open the refrigerator and take out everything I need to make a BLT—minus the T because tomatoes are gross. Rifling through the cupboards, I finally find a frying pan and start cooking the bacon.

“Don’t burn my house down, please,” Hunter says from the living room before sitting down on the couch.

“Oh, shut up. You know that was one time when I was thirteen, and I’ve never set anything on fire again.”

“You grabbed your toast from the toaster oven with a paper towel …” He widens his eyes. “Paper. Hot oven.”

“Yes, and you’ve never let me live it down.” I groan. I have grown to love both cooking and baking. And I am certainly capable of cooking bacon for a damn sandwich. I point my spatula at him. “If I’m such a terrible cook, I guess you won’t need any of this bacon for your own sandwich, will you?”

Before he can answer, a shirtless Cade strolls downstairs, walking into the kitchen.

“Is that bacon I smell?” He inhales before his eyes find mine, and he unapologetically looks me over. “Well, shit, Haley baby. You done went and grew up.”

“Huff,” Hunter growls. “Remember our little chat?”

“Yeah, but that was before I saw that she wasn’t a little kid anymore, but awoman.” He winks at me. “Lookin’ good, Haley baby. Lookin’ real good.”

My cheeks burn, but I don’t know if it’s from the nickname Haley baby or if it’s because he said I lookedrealgood. I feel my body prickle with nerves just because he’s paying me any attention. “Uh … thanks.” I swallow before remembering the bacon, taking a few now-crispy pieces from the frying pan and setting them on a paper towel.

I glance nervously at him as he reaches into the fridge and pulls out a water bottle, and I watch him chug it, his neck moving as the liquid slides down his throat. His hair looks like he just rolled out of bed. His gray sweatpants hang dangerously low on his hips. I can’t help but ogle the insanely prominent V on full display, and a stupid image pops into my mind of me running my tongue along it.

Forcing my mind to get out of the gutter, I finish the bacon and glance at Hunter and then Cade. “Help yourselves. I cooked two packages.” I look around. “Where’s Watson?”

“Right here,” he calls, walking around the corner and patting his stomach. “I smelled bacon. And when I smell bacon, I show up.”

“Hey, where’s the tomato though?” Cade looks confused as he grabs a plate and begins building his sandwich. “Can’t have a BLT without the T. That just wouldn’t make sense.”

“Haley doesn’t like tomatoes.” Hunter laughs. “So, when she goes to restaurants, she orders a BLT without the tomato. Oh, and extra bacon.”

“I like bacon. Bacon is good.” I shrug before pointing to the refrigerator. “There’s a tomato in the crisper. I just didn’t take it out because, well, I’m not going to eat it.”

“Sweet!” Cade pulls it open and takes the nasty red vegetable out. After slicing it up and adding it to his concoction, he takes a huge bite and moans. “Damn, that’s good bacon. Crispy. Thick. Warm.” He bobs his head up and down, moving side to side as he eats, standing up. “Haley baby, you’re the one. You make lunchtime so much fun.” He sings the words loudly, grinning my way.

“Damn right you do.” Watson nods in agreement. “The only sandwiches we get around here are peanut butter and fluff.”

“Watch it, asshole. I’ve made you a shit ton of grilled cheeses,” Cade tosses back with a scowl. “Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy them. Buttery goodness and all.”

“And I love your grilled cheeses. But bacon just makes it next level. Add bacon to your grilled cheeses, Cade, and I’ll never mention this BLT again,” Watson says with a shrug.

Ignoring them, I nod toward the burning candle. “Oh, and I have to say, I love the selection of candles in the cabinet. I went with lemon pound cake.” I giggle. “But now, I need to know, whohas a girlfriend? And I know it’s not my brother. No offense, Hunt.”

“None taken,” he says, engrossed in his lunch.

Watson looks slightly embarrassed but quickly grins. “It’s my mom. She always had our house smelling either like a season, a holiday, or a baked good when I was growing up. So, when I moved in here, she bought me, like, fifteen candles.” He rolls his eyes, but I can tell he loves his mother. “And now, when she visits, she brings at least four with her each time.”

Sweet lemon and other fruit scents have always been my favorite. I have never been one to enjoy the smell of strong perfumes. But a sugary fruit scent? That I will inhale all day long. And lucky for me, it seems like Watson’s mom feels the same way, judging by the endless candles.

“Well, tell your mom I approve. I was basically huffing candles for half an hour before making lunch.” I laugh, taking a bite of my sandwich. “It’s like I’m a kid in Bath & Body Works again.”

“Yankee Candle is her favorite place.” He takes a sip from his water. “She spends an hour there, easy, every time.”

As the boys finish their meal, Cade rinses his plate before sliding it into the dishwasher. Walking toward me, he rests his hand on the small of my back and leans forward to look at me. “Thanks, Haley baby. That was damn good. Guess I’ll let you stay after all,” he teases before giving me a lazy wink and strutting out of the kitchen.

Watching his back muscles glisten in the sun, I have to remind myself not to drool. Or ogle him.