Page 29 of Lost Boy

Humans are just monsters in disguise. Take me, for example. She looks at me like I’m a good person. When I can’t stand her presence half the time because I need to get high and she’s in my way. The only reason why I even came tonight is because I’d heard she was there. I was scared. I never want her to get hurt. But I’m also a jealous fuck when it comes to that girl.

I should have just left her alone. I mean, Nash is a better man than I am. She should be there with him. And I should go the fuck home. Which is where I’m headed. And for all I know, she’s dancing with him again. Smiling at him like he’s the best thing since sliced fucking bread or some shit.

I went to the party tonight to keep an eye on her. But before walking in there, I swore to myself that I wouldn’t go over to her. Not tonight. I’d let her live her life. Because so many other times since she moved in, I have swooped in when she didn’t need me to. I didn’t want to do that. But then I saw her with a bottle of water in her hand. And I didn’t see who had given it to her. And then, before I could stop myself, I was headed toward her. And when I saw her look up, flashing him her beautiful, angelic smile,I lost my cool. Selfishly, I fucking hated it. I love when she looks at me like that even if I’m not worth it.

Just like always, my mind wanders back to the night Eli died. A night when I had run my mouth to the wrong people and it cost my best friend his life. Maybe that’s why I walked away tonight. I don’t like putting anyone in a situation with the potential of conflict. Unless it’s on the ice, of course.

I hear a truck coming behind me, and I stuff my hands in my pockets and keep my head down. When I hear it slow down, I peer over at it and sigh.

“Get in, Huff,” Watson says, his truck coming to a stop along the curb. “And don’t try to pull some shit and take off. I’m in no mood to chase you.”

Rolling my eyes toward the dark, starry sky, I turn toward the truck to find Haley in the front seat, pouting. And when I climb in the back, she cranes her neck and shoots me a glare.

“Well, this is cozy.Not,” she sasses before turning the music up loud and yelling over the sound. “First, you ruin my night, and now, you’ve interrupted my jam sesh!”

“What a shame that is,” Watson grunts, clearly annoyed with whatever is going on in his truck right now.

As fucked as my mind is, even I can’t help but focus on her as she flails around in her seat, belting out the words completely off-key. She turns in her seat, pointing her finger closer to Watson’s face, completely popping his bubble by invading his personal space, but watching him grow more annoyed is totally worth it.

Haley’s always so soft-spoken and sweet. I like seeing her like this even though I know better than anyone that getting too drunk to escape whatever hell you’re going through inside won’t make it better. That still doesn’t stop me from doing it though. But I want more for her than that. I don’t want her to have to numb her reality. I want her to fucking love it.

When we pull into the driveway of the house, Watson looks back at me. “I have to go somewhere. Can you make sure she makes it inside?”

Before I can answer, she unbuckles and jabs a fingertip into his forearm. “What are you saying,jerky jerk?” she slurs. “That I need a babysitter?! Because I don’t!” She quickly turns to look at me. “Especially not this guy! The guuuy who just ruined my night!”

Watson sighs. “Huff, what the fuck is she talking about?”

“Who knows?” I shrug. “Does she even know? I mean, I’m going to say no, Gentry. She just called youjerky jerk, so I dare say she’s a mess. Besides, do you trust her judgment? She dances with football players.”

“Hot football players, asshole! And I was going to kiss him too! If you hadn’t shown up!” she continues to sass. “Maybe even sleep with him! Who knows, you butthead?”

I ball my hands into fists, my fingertips digging into my palms as I grind my back teeth together. I don’t want to fucking hear that she wants to sleep with Nash. I don’t want to hear her talk about any fucking man who isn’t me.

As much as my own mind is spinning from the alcohol and everything else I’ve mixed with it, I’m in complete control. My tolerance for all things meant to fuck you up is pretty damn high. Not like that’s a good thing.

Climbing out of the back, I close the door before opening hers. “Come on, Haley baby. Let’s go inside.”

“Why should I?” She squints her eyes at me. “You ruined my whooole night!”

“I didn’t,” I mutter. “That wasn’t going anywhere, and you know it.”

“What the fuck are you guys talking about?” Watson huffs.

“Her and Nash. That shit ain’t going anywhere. She’s not into him,” I say, shrugging. “So, if anything, I saved you, babe. You can thank me later.”

She slides to the end of the seat, glaring up at me. “Oh, I am into him all right! I’msointo him!” Her voice is growly and deeper than usual.

Her hair is wild, and her makeup is smudged. She’s a beautiful mess. But right now, she’sreallypissing me off.

Quickly sliding my hands around her, I toss her over my shoulder before she even has time to realize it. But when she does, she starts kicking and hitting me, and I’m pretty thankful Hunter isn’t home tonight.

“You sure you’ve got her?” Watson asks, looking concerned. “I can come in.”

“I’m good,” I say nonchalantly. “She’ll be snoring and drooling on her pillow in no time.”

“Yeah, and she’d better be alone,” Watson warns, tilting his chin up. “Or Hunter will kill you.”

“Do you think I’m looking to be puked on tonight?” I drawl. “Have a good night, Watty. Remember, don’t be silly; wrap your willy. The world ain’t ready for little Watsons running around, following the rules and shit.”