Page 29 of Filthy Boy

I loved watching him at his last game. The entire experience of being there, in that arena, while he soared, doing what he was so clearly put on this earth to do, it was incredible. And truthfully, I can’t wait to go to another game instead of watching him on a television screen.

I loved wearing his jersey even more. A lot of other women had his jersey on, but I knew it wasn’t actuallyhisown personal one. Just one they had bought in the gift shop, hoping to be noticed. And it doesn’t even matter to me that we’re strictly friends. Because he still thought enough of me to give it to me.

I tuck my phone back in my pocket and go back to tending the bar and wiping down the counters. It’s been absolute insanity in here tonight, and I sort of wish I could go back to last week when I was in Disney World with Brody and relive that day all over again. Other than the part where we kissed because…yeah, that was embarrassing once he rejected me. But he’s absolutely right. He’s become my best friend, and I don’t want to risk losing him either. Even if I do still fantasize about having sex with him from time to time.

“Excuse me, could I get the biggest Coke this place has to offer?” a familiar voice says from behind me, and when I whirl around, I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face when I see my mom.

“Mom!” I squeal, running from behind the bar to her. “What are you doing here?!”

As I throw my arms around her, she squeezes me back. “I missed my girl. I have tomorrow off from work, so I thought…to hell with it, I’m going to Georgia.”

“I’m so glad you did.” I hug her once more. “I should be out in, like, an hour, tops. I’m not closing tonight, so it won’t be that late.” I cringe, pointing to the huge-ass bachelor party in the corner. “Hopefully, they’ll leave soon and find themselves a strip joint or something.”

As I release her, she takes a seat at the end of the bar. “I’ll wait right here, sweetie. No rush at all.” Reaching for my hand, she gives it a squeeze. “Gosh, B, I missed you.”

“I missed you too. So much.” I smile. “I’ll keep checking in. Be back soon.”

As I turn to head back around the bar, my phone vibrates.

Brody: I’d say your mind is in the gutter. I had no naughty, sexual thoughts. None.

Brody: Okay. Maybe just one. What would this time-out chair entail if it was sexual? Would I be naked or…

Brody: Don’t even text back to that. Let’s talk about the weather. Chilly out, eh?

His message has the corner of my lips turning up. He can never help but be just a little inappropriate. It’s just who he is.

Me: The weather is gross. It has rained all day.

Me: You did so good. Be proud, O’Brien! Even if you are a naughty boy!

Brody: If you think that was naughty…

Brody: Again, don’t write back. I’m going to get a handle on that shit.

Brody: How’s work? Slinging lots of drinks?

Me: So busy. Currently dealing with an annoying bachelor party with cocky, self-righteous assholes. And earlier, a twenty-first birthday. Glad I’m not closing tonight.

Brody: Are they harassing you?

Me: No, Dad. They are just obnoxious and making me second-guess my life choice of working in a college bar.

Before I click out of the message, my phone rings with his name on the screen. Frowning, I swipe my finger across it and answer the call.

“Hey, there’s my hockey star.” I smile a cheesy-ass smile, thankful he can’t see me through the phone.

“If those fucksticks are being disrespectful, put the motherfuckers on the phone.” His voice is breathy and mad. “I’m serious, Bria.”

“Whoa, relax.” I laugh. “You’re being extra as hell. I work in a bar. One that has a lot of douchebags come through daily. I’m a big girl, O’Brien. I can handle myself.”

“So, they are being disrespectful then?” he growls. “Jesus fucking Christ. Put them on the phone.”

“No!” I finally snap. “They aren’t being any more disrespectful than I’m sure you and your friends are when you go to a bar and see a hot young bartender. So, cut the shit.”

“Bria”—his voice stays laced with anger—“I’m not fuck—”

“Brody, good game tonight. I’m proud of you. Really, I am. But honestly, screw you,” I hiss into the phone, making sure no one is looking at me. “You are being a caveman, and I don’t appreciate it at all. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a job to do. Good night.”