Page 15 of Filthy Boy

“Oh, trust me, I don’t think I’ll soon be forgetting that.” I smirk before turning and heading into the changing room.

I memorized every perfect inch of her body during that photo shoot. But we have ano sexpact, and I’m not about to break it. Even if I really,reallywant to.


I walk out of the changing room and find there’re only two older men in the pool, balancing on a noodle flotation device, and one girl doing laps. Fast laps, I’ll add.

Brody is already in the large whirlpool, the steam blocking my view of his entire face, yet I feel his eyes on me.

Stepping into it, I motion my hand at the black bikini on my body. “I know this is probably more of a one-piece place, but I don’t have one of those here at school. All of my one-piece surfing suits are at home.” I shrug. “Sorry.”

“You’re apologizing for giving those two dudes their first hard-on in twenty years?” he whispers. “Don’t. They deserve it.”

Brushing my hand across the water, I splash his face. “Are you always so crude?”

“Yes,” he says instantly, and in the next breath, he says, “So, you excited to not have to work tonight?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty exhausted. They’ve been giving me more shifts than I planned on.” At the mention of being exhausted, a yawn rips through me. “This feels nice.”

He sits down further, letting the water go to the top of his neck. “Hell yeah, it does. I don’t know why I’ve never done this before.”

“It would be helpful after practices or even games. Good for the muscles and all,” I point out. “Do you ever get really hurt during games?”

“Oh, yeah. But no pain, no gain, right?” he says nonchalantly. “It’s what we do.” He says it so casually. Like it’s all totally fine and he never has days when he’s frustrated with the game.

He’s always so laid-back…but to outsiders, so am I. And I’ve got more baggage than the LAX airport.

“You love hockey? Like,reallylove it?”

“Hockey is what I know. It’s what I love.” His eyes connect with mine. “Everything I am now, I owe to that sport.”

I wonder what he means, but I don’t want to push too hard. It’s pretty easy to tell that Brody O’Brien likes things to be light and simple. My guess is, when it comes time to dissect the dark and the ugly…he runs.

And I guess I can make that assumption because I do the same thing.

“How about some grub after this?”

He sits up, stretching his tattooed arms out, and I know my eyes must widen as I take him in. I might have seen his body at the photo shoot, but that doesn’t make it any less incredible to see right now.

The hours it must take to lookthatgood…I can’t imagine.

“That sounds good. I wore my sweatpants here though.” I cringe. “Takeout and eat at my place?”

Tipping his head back, he rolls his eyes dramatically. “I already know what you’re trying to do. Take me back to your place and take advantage. I’m not having sex with you, Bria,” he says sarcastically. “I’m celibate.”

“I’m ignoring you.” I put my knees to my chest on the bench of the whirlpool. “Fine, I’ll just be eating pizza and watching Netflix all alone.”

“Best friends don’t let best friends Netflix and chill alone.” He reaches over, squeezing my knee. “I want pepperoni and bacon. But for God’s sake, keep your hands to yourself.”

“I want buffalo chicken.”

“Half and half?” we both say at the same time before nodding. “Deal.”

He’s easy to hang out with. And I’m quickly growing immune to his nonstock jokes and our endless banter. And even though I know that this could get complicated real fast, something tells me he needs this friendship just as much as I do.

Which is a lot.
