Page 4 of Filthy Boy

As arrogant as it sounds, I know I’m a good fit for the gig. I work my ass off to not only be the strongest I can, but to also look damn good while naked. Because one thing that I enjoy is bringing pleasure to women. And what I’ve found with some of the chicks at Brooks? They are wild. They want to be lifted up in the air, fucked hard, and taken on a ride. I’m not only a taker, but I’m a giver too. And, boy, don’t I like to give.

Pulling my phone out, I text one of the few chicks I’ve actually slept with more than once. Tawney. Not only is she the furthest thing from clingy, but she’s also drop-dead gorgeous. Her tits are perfect, and she gives head like it’s her fucking job. Outside of fucking, I don’t know jack about her. She could have a boyfriend—hell, a girlfriend for all I know. A kid. I have no idea. We keep it short and sweet. She uses me, and I have zero complaints about it.

A steady girlfriend isn’t anything I’ve ever had before. And any chicks who became regular hookups quickly died out at the mention of them wanting me to meet their parents. Or worse, them meeting mine.

Coming from the fucked up environment that I called home for most of my life, I suppose I’m cynical or tainted for any future love interest. But sex isn’t love. It’s a healthy release that everyone needs.

She texts back within a minute, and I smirk, knowing I’m about to have a good ol’ time.


I run on the sidewalks, passing other runners and a few walkers every so often. Running has sort of become an outlet since my dad died a year ago, and knowing Brooks had the most beautiful campus, I couldn’t wait to explore.

I pass the football field and the hockey arena soon after. I turn the corner and spot the campus Astronomy Center with an adorable coffee shop next door. Dragging in a deep breath, I loop around, jogging toward my apartment.

Heading back, I make a mental checklist of all the shit I need to do to prepare for classes to start in just a few days. I wanted to get moved in last week to allow myself time to get settled in, but some prior commitments made that hard. Nonetheless, I’m here now and ready for this next step of my life.

As I round the sidewalk and jog into the parking lot of my new place, I take my earbuds out and slow to a walk, passing the other apartments before mine on the way. I still have way more unpacking to do, and I’m far from being settled in, so today’s run couldn’t be too long. Though I have no idea how long it actually was because I never track myself. I just run until I’m too tired to keep running or until the demons in my brain shut up long enough for me to breathe easier.

The faint sound of moaning has my eyes widening, and I’m scared of what I’m about to see. Hoping I misheard it, I continue moving. That is, until I’m almost walking by the apartment right before my own, and I hear it again, this time much louder and completely unmistakable.

It’s like an accident you drive by. You know it would be rude to stare, but you can’t help but take one little peek. Because if you don’t, how are you going to know what’s really going on?

As I try my best to keep my head forward, I side-eye the open window. The last thing I want to be known for is for being Brooks University’s very own Peeping Tom.

Even through the sheer, flowing curtains, I can see a muscular, tattooed man thrust his hips as he bends whoever the girl is over the bed. He owns every inch of her body as his movements grow faster.

“Taking me so good, you little fiend,” his gritty voice growls out, and she moans. “Swallowing me right up, soaking every inch of me.”

“Brody,” she cries out. “Oh…fuck. I know why I keep coming back.”

As I move faster to get past the apartment, I realize it’s not just any man. It’s Brody freaking O’Brien, hockey star of the Brooks University Wolves. I swallow hard. I’ve met him before. My brother’s best friend, Bama, and Brody’s best friend, Cam, are childhood friends. Brody is stupidly hot. And a bit arrogant. And from what I hear, he has a temper the size of Texas. And now, I’ve seen his body in action.

And I’m tingling in spots I shouldn’t be.

Before I can hear him say any more filthy words, I jog to my door and yank it open. My cheeks are hot, and I’m not sure if it’s from my run or from the image of Brody pounding the shit out of some random girl.

I’m going to tell myself it’s the run…even though I know that’s bullshit.



Classes started a few weeks ago. I feel like I blinked once, and then I was standing here, looking at my teammates, getting ready for our opening game. Despite what Coach LaConte keeps saying—that we haven’t trained hard enough—he knows we’re ready for this. He just does some reverse psychology shit he thinks will make us try harder. I’ll admit, I think it works.

“Yo, Victoria’s Secret, you ready for tonight?” Cade Huff, a defenseman, says with a smirk. “Do you have your sexy undies on under that uniform?”

“You fucking know it. No need for jealousy.” I lean forward on my stick. “If you play good tonight, I’ll even get you a free pack of them.”

“I don’t want your nut crunchers. I’m sorry to say, Duluth Buck Naked briefs are the way to go.” He shrugs, cocking his head to the side.

“Nah, man. He gave me a pack of them,” Cam says, pretending to stretch his legs out easily in a squat-like action. “Comfiest things I’ve ever worn. Besides, Addison says my ass looks cute in them.” He sticks his ass out, giving it a smack. “She ain’t lying either.”

“You gave Hardy a pack and not me?” Link scowls. “I see how it is. Give the dude who moved out some and say fuck your roommate.”

Holding my arms out, I roll my eyes. “Cam didn’t really give me a choice. He came into my room, grabbed an unopened pack of them, and said, ‘Hey, look, these are my size. Thanks.’ And away he went.” Patting Link on the shoulder, I jerk my chin up. “I’ll get you your very own pack, any color you want, big boy.”

“You’d better,” he grumbles. “And I want black.”