Page 28 of Filthy Boy


The team sits in the locker room at intermission, looking at Coach LaConte as he lectures us on what we’re doing wrong. His face is beet red, and if you were an innocent bystander, just judging from his face, you’d swear we were playing the world’s shittiest game and didn’t deserve to be on the ice. But the boys and I know that’s just his face. Deep down, he loves us all. He’s just a grumpy bastard.

Sort of like Link.

After Coach finishes his spiel, Cam takes his place, standing in the middle of us. “We’re holding them down. I know you’re tired. I’m tired too. But this is it. This is when it counts. It’s now or never, baby. You all want this win—I know you do,” Cam says, wrapping up his speech. “And we didn’t travel all the way here to lose, did we?”

The team shakes their heads, and some yell out, “Hell no.”

It might be only intermission, but we’re already tired. Myself included. Though, as much as my ass has been in the sin bin, I should probably feel rested. But every second on the ice has been an absolute bloodbath, and even I’m ready for that clock to run out of time.

Cam looks around at all of us, his eyes landing on mine. “So, whatcha say, O’Brien?” He tips his chin up. “Ready to do this? Prove to these motherfuckers we’re the better team?”

Standing up, I nod my head. “You. Know. It. I came here to drink some Gatorade and whoop some ass. And I’m fresh outta Gatorade, Cap.”

He grins. “That’s what I thought.” Turning toward Link and Hunter, he holds his arms out at his sides. “How about it, fellas?”

“Is that even a question?” Link narrows his eyes. “I sure as hell didn’t come here to lose.”

“Same,” Hunter adds. “We’re with ya, Cap. Let’s keep chugging toward that undefeated season.”

“Huff? Gentry?” Cam looks toward the rest of the team before naming off more of them, watching them all give a nod or raise their stick. “All right then, huddle in. Wolves on three.”

“One, two, three…WOLVES!” we all cheer before heading out of the locker room and onto the ice.

Last season, we were robbed of making it to the Frozen Four because Cam had to go get himself hurt. And let’s be honest. Cam is a huge asset to this team. Without him, we were lost.

This season, nothing is stopping us from getting there. No way, no how. Even if I have to wrap my teammates in bubble wrap to prevent them from getting hurt, I will. The only thing that could make this season even sweeter is if we could remain undefeated. But we’re still pretty early on in the year. A lot could happen. But I’m refusing to let any negative thoughts filter into my brain.

I watch Cam wave toward his girlfriend and her daughter, and when my eyes look further, I see his parents and sister too.

“The whole damn family followed you to South Carolina, huh?” I nudge his side.

Smiling like a fool, he bobs his head up and down proudly. “Yeah. I can’t believe they came all this way just to watch me hit a puck around on this ice.” He blows Isla a kiss. “Pretty great.”

I feel like a giant pussy when my heart does some weird aching thing, but I grin through it. Just like I always do. “Well, better not let them down, Hardy. Play your balls out. I’ll do the same.”

“Yes, sir.” He chuckles.

I skate away, preparing to do my part. Having to give myself a mental pep talk to get my head back in the game. Because for some reason, seeing Cam’s family all rooting for him made me realize I’ve never had a single person come watch my games.

Until Bria, that is. And when she showed up to that last game, wearing the jersey I had given her, I loved it. I could get used to her being there—that’s for sure. Especially knowing she was there just for me. I’ve never had that feeling before.

To be honest, I think I might have actually loved it a little too much. My eyes caught her a few times when she was snapping pictures with her camera. I played even harder because I knew she was there. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the camera and everything to do with her.

And that’s not good.


“Yes!” I whisper-cheer, doing a little happy dance as I watch Brooks win the game on the screen above the bar.

The entire place erupts into applause as people leap into the air. One thing about this campus? Hockey and football aren’t just loved. They are a way of life. A religion, if you will. And if you aren’t on board, welp, you’ll find yourself on the outs witha lotof people.

Knowing he probably won’t get it for a while, but unable to help myself, I shoot Brody a message.

Me: Jeez, you showing off for someone, big guy? Also, if the sin bin is basically a time-out chair, you are seriously a bad boy.

Me: And, no, that wasn’t meant in a weird or sexual way. So, don’t be a perv about it.