Page 25 of Filthy Boy

“Looks like you blew an eggplant.” I smirk. “And you know how you were determined to find a purple one? Well, I hate to break it to you, but all of them are the same flavor. It’s just food coloring.”

“Bullshit!” She stands, tossing the bare wooden stick in the trash can. “Purple is the best. And they so do not all taste the same.”

“If you say so.” I exhale. “You are the queen of rock-candy knowledge. I mean, I thought you were going to attack me for even looking at the thing.”

“What can I say? I like candy from time to time.” Walking into the bathroom, she turns the sink on.

“What time did you say you have to be back for practice tomorrow?” she calls out in between brushing her teeth.

“Not until five. What do you think Coach would say if I showed up at practice, wearing the hat you made me wear?”

Coming out of the bathroom in an oversize T-shirt and shorts—which I’m not even sure qualify as shorts—she narrows her eyes playfully. “Made youis a strong accusation, O’Brien. You love that hat, and you know it.”

“Fuck yeah, I do. I can make a hat with ears, made for a six-year-old, look good.” I grab it, pulling it on my head. “Basically had to beat the women off of me today because they were chasing me down.”

Suddenly, her brow furrows, and she waves her hand at my bare chest. “I get that, right now, you’re going to sleep, so it makes sense. But do you ever wear a shirt when you’re not out in public? My God. Every time we hang out at either of our places, you’re shirtless. You’re like a chick with her bra. The second we walk through the door—bam—boobs are going to be out.”

“I’m like Drax fromGuardians of the Galaxybecause he hates the feeling of cloth on his nipples. Clothes are constricting.” I sit at the end of the queen bed. “Wait, you’re telling me, when you walk through the door, the first thing you do is free dem titties?”

“Hell yes. They need to breathe.” She scoffs. “I get rid of jeans right away too. I loathe jeans.”

I know it shouldn’t, but at the mention of her taking her bra and jeans off, my dick stirs again. Mentally, I try to tell myself to get it together. She’s quickly becoming one of my best friends. Fucking her will ruin that. And for once in my life, even though I can’t believe I’m saying this…sex isn’t worth it.

“I’ll take the couch.” She waves toward the corner. “It pulls into a bed. And honestly, I can sleep anywhere. I’m not fussy about that.”

“Babe, I know I’m hard to resist, but we can share the bed,” I say sarcastically, patting the top of the comforter. “I’ll even put a pillow between us just so you aren’t tempted to break the pact. I know it won’t be easy, especially with this hat on. But I believe in you.”

Her eyes move from the shitty, old couch in the corner to the comfy bed I’m sitting on. Finally, she shrugs. “Fine. But if I feel one poke of your willy, I’m going to cut it off.”

“First off, you can’t cut it off because when I’m done being a nun, I’m gonna want to use it.A lot. Second, I can’t control what happens when I’m sleeping. As long as you don’t back that ass up on me, we’ll be fine.”

She coughs suddenly, sucking in a breath. “Swallowed wrong,” she wheezes. “Sorry.”

“As long as you swallow, you’re A-OK in my book.” I wink before flopping back on the bed as she gives me the middle finger.

And as she lies down next to me, both of us staring at the ceiling, I realize I’ve never felt more at home my entire life.

Until now.

Even in a motel room, hours away from where I live, she makes me feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be.


It’s weird. Being in this bed. With this dude. A dude who, every time I stare at him, somehow gets more attractive. But above my attraction, I genuinely adore our friendship. He’s so much more than I thought he was before I actually knew him.

Scars from the past never really go away. Maybe they fade; maybe they don’t. But no matter what, they haunt us at some point in our life. And maybe that’s why Brody and I get along so well. We’ve both felt it. Pain. The kind that stays with you forever.

Brody has been through more shit than anyone I know. And as weird as it is, that makes me feel more emotionally connected to him than I have been to anyone else. He’s not shiny and happy even if that’s how he plays himself off to be. Or how the rest of the world thinks he is.

We’re both damaged. And maybe because of that, we can help each other heal.

“Psst, bed buddy. Are you sleeping?” Brody whispers into the dark room.

Turning to my side, I look over at him as he stares at the ceiling with his hands under his head. His tattoos peek out from under the covers as the moonlight shines on his skin.

“Nope. Wide awake.”

“Same. I’m over here, thinking—”