Page 10 of Filthy Boy

“By that, you mean…” He raises his eyebrows.

“Sex. Sexual things. The whole shebang,” I rattle off. “So…keep it moving.”

“Fuck, that sounds terrible,” he gasps. “Sex is good. Healthy.Magnificent. I thoroughly enjoy it.”

I squirm around on my feet. “Yeah, well, it’s just a pact I made with myself a few months ago. It’s no big deal.”

He eyes me over. “You’re telling me you haven’t gotten off in months?” He drags his hand down his face. “Why does that make me want to bang you that much more? You’re like a unicorn.”

Months? Tryever. I pray I didn’t say the words out loud. Despite even my greatest efforts, I’ve never experienced what it actually feels like to have an orgasm.

“I’m not a virgin! And it isn’t like I have two vaginas or something. I’m simply taking a break from sex. What the heck is so special about that?”

“It’s like you are a virgin though. Only one who knows her way around in the sheets.” He winks. “Sort of digging it.”

“Well…sort of don’t,” I sass back. “Digging it won’t get you anywhere, Romeo.”

“I sure as hell ain’t no Romeo, darling,” he mutters. “Promise you that.” He sighs. “So, why did you decide that you no longer wanted a D inside of your V? And is this till marriage? Or what’s the plan? Or…did you switch to clam?”

“No, asshole. I didn’tswitch to clam.”

When I stare at him, he waves his hands. “Go on. Tell me. I’m genuinely intrigued.”

“Why? Because your dick is close to falling off from diseases and you want to live vicariously through my pureness?”

He takes a sip from his beer. “Sweet thing, you might be taking a break from sex, but you aren’t pure.” His eyes look at me with something inside of them, but I don’t know what. “I knew that during the photo shoot. You’re wild. You aren’t fooling me.”

He hits the nail on the head. Even when I’m trying to change my ways, someone who barely knows me sees right through me. Kye and my mother have always thought I’m the perfect child. Truth is, I’ve always had way more of my father in me than I’d ever admit. Which is why I do my best to keep that part of me in a cage. Under lock and key.

“I’m not wild these days.”

“You work at a bar,” he deadpans.

“And your point is? I don’t drink. I haven’t in months.” I let the words slip out before instantly wishing I could pull them back in, grinding my teeth together.

“Wait. You haven’t had a drink or fucked in months?” He looks at me with pure disbelief. “What are you, a nun?”

“No, asshole.” I roll my eyes. “I just got a little…out of hand for a while, I guess you could say. And now, I’m trying to give myself a fresh start.”

“No such thing as a fresh start,” he says casually. “We are who we are. Ain’t no changing it.”

“Well, respectfully, I disagree.” A few guys with girls on their arms walk in, sitting at my section of the bar. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Mr. Bad To The Bone, I have to get back to work.”

“I’ll be here,” he calls back. “I need to hear more about this little pact you’ve made for yourself.”

“Why?” I frown.

He looks like he doesn’t believe the words he’s about to say himself. “I still don’t think people can change. But…I think I might want to be in the pact too.”

Well, I didn’t expect that.


The bar is empty, but knowing the owner the way that I do, I know he’ll stay open until the very last second. Which is only five minutes from now.

The waitresses left an hour ago, as the kitchen shuts down hours before the bar does. I watch as Bria finishes wiping down the counters.

“So, tell me, how do I get started? Do I just make a list of bad things I do or what?” I frown. “If so, we’re gonna be here a while.”