"Tati," I say softly, my voice full of wonder. "Are you...are we..." I struggle to find the words.

She nods, tears shining in her eyes. "Yes," she whispers. "We're going to have a baby."

I freeze, the words slowly sinking in. We're going to have a baby. Uncontainable joy bubbles up inside me.

Slowly, a grin spreads across my face. "Un bambino? Stiamo aspettando un bambino," – A baby? Are we having a baby? – I repeat in wonderment.

Tatiana nods, her eyes brimming with happy tears. "Yes, in just over seven months, you're going to be a father!"

"A father..." I echo faintly. Me, a father. The thought is both thrilling and daunting.

I reach across the table to take Tatiana's hands in mine, needing to feel her. "I can't believe it. This is amazing!"

She laughs brightly. "I know! I'm so happy, Philippe, we're going to have a family."

My thumb brushes over her knuckles as I gaze at her in awe. The woman I love is having our child. I've never felt such fierce protectiveness and devotion.

"So," she smiles at me. "I was worried this might be news you don't want."

"Questa è la notizia più felice della mia vita," – This is the happiest news of my life – I tell her, wiping away a tear of joy that escapes me.

In an instant, all the weight and weariness of the world fade away and are replaced by pure, unmarred happiness. I pull her into my arms, holding her tightly, never wanting to let go. The future I've longed for is so close now—a family with the woman I love.

I press my lips against hers, gently at first, then with growing intensity. My heart swells with love and joy as I taste the sweetness of her lips, the way she melts into me. The way she and our baby melt into me.

I pull back from the kiss, my heart swelling with emotion. A child - our child. The product of our love. I can hardly believe it.

"How are you feeling, my darling?" I ask, caressing Tatiana's cheek. "You must be hungry - here, let me serve you." I pull out her chair, and she takes a seat again.

I lift the cloche, covering her plate with a flourish, revealing her favorite meal ofosso buco alla Milanese. The aroma of saffron and bone marrow fills the air. I pour some sparkling water into her glass and take my seat across from her.

"To our future," I say, raising my glass in a toast. Our eyes meet, and an unspoken promise passes between us. I will move heaven and earth to keep our child safe.

As Tatiana takes her first bite, the pleasure on her face makes me smile. I pick up my fork, my appetite suddenly ravenous. We eat in contented silence for a few moments, the occasional clink of silverware the only sound.

When our plates are empty, I reach across the table to take her hand. Our fingers intertwine, and I run my thumb over her knuckles.

"I've never been happier," I say softly. And I mean it with every fiber of my being. This changes everything.

Tatiana smiles, her eyes sparkling in the candlelight. "Neither have I, my love.Questo bambino è una benedizione, la famigliache abbiamo sempre desiderato," – This child is a blessing - the family we've always wanted.

Her words make my heart swell even more. I can already picture a little boy with her smile or a baby girl with my dark hair.

"Do you have a preference?" I ask. "For a son or daughter?"

Tatiana tilts her head thoughtfully and then shakes it. "No, as long as they're healthy and happy. Though..." She bites her lip, suddenly shy.

"What is it?" I prod gently.

"Well, a little girl would be nice. One I can dress up and teach all my secrets to."

I grin at the image. "I think a daughter would wrap me around her little finger. Just like her mother does."

Tatiana laughs the sound light and musical. "Then you must be careful, my love. Or you shall be outnumbered."

"I would happily be overwhelmed by daughters if they take after you," I reply earnestly.

Tatiana blushes prettily at the compliment. I lift her hand and press a tender kiss to her knuckles.