"Understood, Boss," they reply in unison, their faces set with determination.

Hours later, as the sun sets behind the horizon, casting a golden glow over my compound, I wait impatiently for the first cars to arrive.

The black cars of my fellow dons begin to roll in. Hummers, Bentleys and every bullet-proof SUV you can think of. One by one, they arrive, dressed in their finest suits and accompanied bytheir most trusted men. I am ready to greet each one personally, considering how they’ve made a huge effort on such short notice.

"Philippe, good to see you," Felix Carlisi greets me, extending a firm hand. His eyes are serious, but there's a hint of warmth there. We've been allies for years, and I trust him implicitly.

"Stefano, Anthony," I nod to the two others, shaking their hands in turn. Stefano Nitti and Anthony Giovanni are also powerful dons, commanding respect and loyalty from their families. Together, the four of us form a formidable force within the Italian mafia - two from New York, one from Chicago and I from Philadelphia.

"Grazie a tutti per essere venuti,"– Thank you all for coming – I say, guiding them through the doorway and into the entryway of my home.

“Mi scuso per l'avviso breve, ma come sapete, gli eventi recenti ci hanno costretto a intervenire.” – I apologize for the short notice, but as you know, recent events have forced our hand.

"We understand, Philippe," Stefano assures me, his voice gruff and steady. "Let's get down to business, then. We need to find a way to protect ourselves and our interests from these Russian bastards."

"Agreed," Anthony chimes in, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "We must send a clear message that the Bratva will not go unpunished for their actions."

"Then it's settled," I say, my voice filled with determination. "We'll band together and hit them where it hurts. We'll show them what happens when they mess with our families. Come, gentleman," I guide them in. “There is much to talk about.”

As we sit down at the grand table to discuss strategies and plans of action, I feel a sense of unity among us, a shared purpose that binds us together: We are Italians. Nothing and no one hurts one of our own.

I look around the table, my fellow dons assembled, ready to face the Bratva threat head-on. We know that if we are to succeed, we must stand united.

"Listen," I say, leaning forward and clasping my hands on the polished surface of the table. "The Bratva have been coming for me. It started with them wanting to enter my Vitalin market, use my suppliers." I lean forward, arms folded in front of me.

"I told them then that they're not to return to my territory. Yet, they attack. Again and again. They are ruthless."

"Or have no brains," Felix Carlisi frowns. "If you wanted, Don Accardo, you could have them wiped out within days."

"I could," I nod, leaning back. "A quale scopo servirebbe?"– What purpose would that serve?"Unnecessary murder, death. Innocent lives would be lost. But things have gone too far."

"The Russians are bold, but we are ruthless. If we want to protect our territories and people, we need to eliminate the current Bratva head here in America," Anthony comments.

"Philippe is right," Stefano says, his eyes burning with determination. "The other Italian families have been fighting among themselves for years. We, however, have put aside our differences. We can join forces to eradicate this common enemy."

"Agreed," Anthony adds, nodding solemnly.

As their agreement rings through the room, I feel an unexpected surge of pride warm my chest. This is what The Mafia,La Famiglia, is all about. Together, we can achieve anything.

"Thank you for your assent, gentlemen," I stand, extending my hand, sealing our agreement. "Now, let’s discuss details, shall we?"

"We take out their American head immediately, Philippe. After what he did to you, your men, and those under your protection, the man posed a threat to us all. Tomorrow, he will cease to walk this earth. But make sure it doesn’t come back to us. Make it look like an accident. Then, we wait and see if the lower rungs are after us, too. For now, we spare them." Felix comments.

“Gentlemen,” I put in – "let us also not reveal our hand. Don't let the Bratva know we have united for this purpose. As Don Carlisi says, once their head is taken out, we see if they infiltrate or attack any of our units again. If they do, we plan further strategies. If they leave us be, we leave them be. This is a war, not a battle, and wars take time."

“So, after tomorrow’s assassination?” Don Giovanni inquires.

"We wait and watch, united," I bang my hand on the table.

“And I,” Felix inches closer, “will have your security system revamped.”

“Thank you, my friend,” I look deeply into Felix Carlisi’s eyes, for he, like the rest, has proven to be a true friend today.

We men nod, and we file out to plan the end of the Bratva pigs over drinks.

Chapter 36
