And now this, finding sanctuary in Philippe's arms. I drift into sleep, safe in the knowledge that he will watch over me. He will always protect what is his.

I am his, now and forever.

Chapter 27


The golden sunlight filters through the opening between the heavy velvet curtains, bathing the room in a warm glow. I smile as I open my eyes, seeing Tatiana curled up beside me, her chest rising and falling gently with each breath.

Mi bella addormentata,– my sleeping beauty – I think, gazing at her peaceful face. She looks like an angel in the early morning light.

I brush a stray lock of hair away from her face, my knuckles grazing her soft cheek. Her eyelids flutter open, revealing eyes the color of a lush tropical forest full of life. A smile curves her full lips as she sees me.

"Buongiorno, amore mio," she murmurs. – Good morning, my love.

"Buongiorno, bellissima," I reply, kissing her forehead. – Good morning, beautiful.

She stretches like a cat, the sheet sliding down to reveal her bare shoulders. I trace the curve of her neck with my fingertip, feeling her pulse flutter under my touch.

"What are you thinking?" she asks, her eyes searching mine.

"How lucky I am to wake up next to you this morning," I say honestly. "That you're well, alive, healthy."

She smiles, a blush tinting her cheeks. "Sei troppo romantico." – You are too romantic.

I chuckle, pulling her into my arms. "Only for you,mia cara."

Our lips meet in a slow, tender kiss. In this moment, wrapped up in Tatiana's embrace, I feel content. Whole. At peace. Her stomach grumbles. I frown. "You're hungry."

"I'm okay," she insists, shaking her head.

She's been on nothing but IV fluids and soup since her gunshot wound. Knowing that she's hungry means that her appetite and her strength are coming back.

I reluctantly pull away from Tatiana and slide out of bed, the cold floorboards creaking under my bare feet.

"Stay here and rest,Tesoro," I say, pulling on a pair of sweatpants. "I'm going to make us some breakfast."

She gives me a sleepy smile and snuggles into the pillows, her eyelids drifting shut once more.

I pad downstairs to the kitchen. I gather fresh berries, croissants, and cream, along with eggs, bacon, and freshly brewed coffee—a breakfast fit for my queen.

Balancing the tray, I make my way back upstairs. Tatiana is still dozing, her chest rising and falling gently with each breath. I set the tray on the bedside table, the aroma of coffee and pastries wafting through the air.

I watch her sleep for a moment, a surge of tenderness filling my chest. How did I get so lucky? To find a woman like her, who loves me for who I am - darkness and all.

I reach out to brush a stray curl from her face, my knuckles grazing her soft cheek.

"Tatiana,amore mio,"I whisper. "It's time to wake up."

She stirs. A smile spreads across her lips when she sees me. Her gaze moves to the tray beside her, taking in the feast I've prepared.

"What's all this?"

"Breakfast for my queen," I say, sitting on the edge of the bed. I trail my fingers along her arm, feeling the softness of her skin.

She smiles, the warmth in her eyes making my heart skip a beat. "You spoil me, Philippe."

"Nonsense," I reply. "You deserve to be spoiled. Now, eat before everything gets cold."