"I asked first." I give her a teasing little smile.

She laughs. "Okay, fair." She bites her lip. "I hoped I might see you."

Warmth spreads through me at her admission. "I spoke to Martin. Made sure I could pick you up myself," I reply. "I wasn't going to waste this chance. Or any chance from here on."

Her answering smile lights up her whole face. She lifts our joined hands and brushes her lips delicately over my knuckles. I don't think my heart has ever felt so full.

Finally, we arrive at her house. The car slows to a stop, and the driver turns off the engine. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I quickly exit the vehicle and move to Tatiana's side, eager to help her out before the driver does.

"Philippe, I can manage on my own," she protests gently, but I shake my head.

"Let me take care of you, Tatiana. It's the least I can do."

She acquiesces, allowing me to help her from the car. As she stands, the setting sun casts a halo of light around her, making her appear like an angel sent from above. At that moment, I am certain there is nothing I wouldn't do for her.

"Thank you," she murmurs, her eyes meeting mine with genuine affection. It's a simple gesture, but it speaks volumes about the trust we share.

"Of course," I reply softly.

I retrieve her luggage from the trunk. Though it is a small act, it is my way of showing Tatiana just how much I care – that I will always be there for her in both the big moments and the small ones.

“Philippe,” she whispers, looking me in the eyes as I lean over and brush a gentle kiss over her forehead. “Would you like to come in and have a cup of coffee?”

“And your parents?” I whisper, heart racing.

“It’s time they find out who you are,” she winks, forever keeping me on my toes.

Chapter 20


Philippe pulls my hands into his own. I can't believe I’ve asked him to meet my parents. We've known each other for just under a month. I wait for his response, praying it's positive, hoping he won't turn me down. My stomach flutters with nerves.

"Grazie, cara mia,"he mutters. – Thank you, my dear.

That's all it took, I think to myself with wonder. All he needed me to do was ask. I think back to the two men I dated in the past and how complicated those relationships were. In the light of this man's halo, they seem utterly insignificant.

This is how a real man acts when he wants a woman, I think to myself. He goes for it once the door is opened. I sigh with relief at how refreshing and safe this feels.

We take a step towards the door, and I ring the bell, which is followed by silence. I ring it again, eager for them to meet Philippe. What's taking them so long? They're always home by now.

Philippe gives my hand a gentle squeeze. His ocean-blue eyes drew me into their depth. This reassurance feels like home. The seconds tick on. Where are they? They know I'm coming home tonight. They would not be here on my return and not tell me.

I yell through the door. "Mom? Dad?" Still, silence is all I gain in response.

Philippe squeezes my hand. "Do not worry,cara mia. I am sure they are just upstairs or in the shower."

I nod. He's right, of course. They work so hard for our family that it's easy to lose track of time. Any moment now, they will walk to the front door, tired but smiling when they see us.

I ring the bell again.

Slowly, like fingers on an icy fist, fear clenches my stomach. Something's wrong. “Philippe?”

It takes a second for me to jump into action. I fumble for the spare key under the mat and unlock the door with trembling hands.

The door creaks open. Philippe and I step into the house, our footsteps echoing in the silence.

"Mom, Dad?" I yell out. "I'm home, and I've brought a friend!"