A few of my men break into smiles.

One day down, only a lifetime to go. But each hour brings me closer to realizing that I am my father's son.

As we delve into the logistics of our operations, I begin to feel hot. I roll up my sleeves, and my eyes fall to my Moirai tattoo, winding its way up my arm, across my neck, and down my back. Tatiana comes to mind how she fingered the ink when we made love. I could see she was curious about it.

God, after the day I've had, I would give an arm to have her in my bed. It feels like an invisible thread connects me to Tatiana, pulling me toward her. I've never felt this way before, and it terrifies me.

"Is everything alright, Don Accardo?" Enzo asks concern etched on his face.

"Of course," I reply, my voice betraying no hint of the emotions churning inside me. "Let's continue."

The meeting ends an hour later, and I establish the roles for my men. Over a dozen go to recruit our soldiers, while a handful go to ensure that they have all the getaway cars, supplies, and fake IDs they'd need. We make sure none of the men we'd be hiring have a previous criminal record. It's easier to get them out that way.

Once done, everyone stands as I exit. I leave the room and, from habit, begin to walk towards the dining room where my father usually eats dinner at this hour.

And then it hits me. He's not here. I'll be eating alone from now on. I stop mid-stride. I do not know what to do with myself. The thought of that empty seat opposite me, mocking my loneliness, is more than I can bear.

For a moment I consider going to my office, but even the piano will not bring me solace today.

Instead, I head to the kitchen, where the aroma of fresh lasagna wafts through the air. The kitchen staff were surprised to see me there but quickly recovered. They don't often see me up close.

I suddenly wished that it was just Tatiana baking me lasagna.

I miss her. I need her. The thought of her gets stronger by the second until I can't resist it anymore.

I try to remember why I came in here. "From today," I tell the women, "send my dinner to my bedroom. The dining room will remain closed. I'll receive my tray in fifteen minutes."

They begin scurrying around, and I go up to my room. I can't shake the thought of Tatiana from my mind, her laughter echoing like a siren's call. I wish we’d had more time to get to know each other before she left.

Alone in my room, with the food tray on my study desk, my fingers fly across the keyboard as I search for her name online. Page after page yields nothing but dead ends.

"Damn it," I mutter under my breath, my pulse quickening at the realization that she's managed to elude even the omnipresent grasp of the internet. "How can someone so extraordinary be so invisible?"

I was hoping to see something in the news or that someone would have put up a video of the performance at the Mariinsky, But there's hardly anything pertaining to the event.

Maybe she prefers to keep a low profile. Not everyone wants their life on display. But maybe she doesn't know how to let the light shine on her. When she returns, I think to myself, I want the world to know her name. I want her on the front page of every paper, celebrated for the incredible woman she is.

I can't shake the image of Tatiana from my mind. Her grace on stage, the passion in her eyes when she sings... I need to see her again. The thought takes hold, burrowing into my very being like a stubborn weed. My heart beats faster at the mere prospect of going to Russia. I could still make it to see her live, couldn't I?

I check my schedule. I could do this. It might just be what I need. I’m about to call my assistant when my phone buzzes on my desk. I pick up the call, slight unease in the pit of my stomach. Nothing good ever comes from a late-night call within the mafia. "Don Accardo," I hear Alessandro’s voice, "we've got trouble. The Bratva just attacked our casinos."

The news hits me like a sucker punch. "What happened? Is everyone alright?"

"So far, only minor injuries. But Boss, we need to focus on defending our territory," Alessandro urges.

"You're right," I admit through gritted teeth. "Try to contain the situation. I'll be there soon."

I end the call, fury burning through me. First, Bratva tried to steal our suppliers. I dealt with them and then killed the traitors. It was a small fight. One that could have been prevented. But I also extended an olive branch by continuing to allow them access to my casino.

But now, I know better. They’ve taken this to higher authorities, and for all I know, this could be a full-blown war between the Russians and the Italians.

What does one do when business associates turn hostile? I slam my fist down on the table and bellow out of the door to my security detail. “Gather the men. We leave for the casinos.”

My mind races as I map out our strategy in my head. The Bratva think they can steal our suppliers and attack our casinos without consequence? They underestimate me. I'll have to ban them from our establishments once this is dealt with, but first, we must defend what's ours.

We arrive at the scene to find chaos unfolding before us. Gunfire echoes through the air, mingling with the panicked screams of patrons and staff alike. Men and women hide behind potted plants. I feel rage. Sheer rage. This won't go unforgiven. Come for me? That's one thing. Come for my people? That's another.

Broken glass crunches beneath my feet as we move through the rooms on the ground, weapons drawn.