I square my shoulders before I approach my father's casket. The sight of him lying there, pale and lifeless, nearly overwhelms me. I grip the edge of the casket to steady myself.

He looks so...small. The great Don Accardo, a man who inspired fear and commanded immense power, is now reduced to this. It hammers home the lesson that, in the end, we all meet the same fate.

I am shaken from my thoughts by the men who are gathering to carry the casket outside for the procession. As they move to lift it, I hold up a hand. "Stop. I will take him."

Ignoring their protests, I exchange position with one of the men at the head of the casket. The weight of my father’s body barely registers. The weight of his legacy is a much heavier burden on my shoulders.

We carry him with steady steps. All eyes are on me as I lead the procession. At this moment, I feel the mantle settling upon me. I am no longer just Philippe, my father's son.

The funeral procession stretches down the cobblestone streets of our compound, where my father reigned for decades.

Hundreds have turned out to pay their respects. The silence is heavy, broken only by quiet sobs and the shuffling of feet. Black clothing and somber faces blur together as I pass, though some stand out in my mind.

Stefano Nitti just arrived here from New York and conveyed that his wife is on her way from Mexico and will be here by tonight. Don Bianchi, a longtime friend and ally of my father, catches my eye and nods solemnly.

Even more surprising is the presence of some rivals and enemies. Yet, on this day, in this place, differences are set aside. The death of the great Don Accardo transcends old divisions.

I feel Tatiana's gaze on me as I walk, a gentle strength radiating from her. Just knowing she is here eases my grief ever so slightly.

At last, we reach the burial ground, looming ancient and weathered. I falter for just a moment under the immense weight of it all - the legacy, the expectations, the uncertainty ahead.

But then I straighten my shoulders once more. I am Philippe Accardo, and I will not fail my father's memory. Come what may, I will honor him and all he built.

Taking a deep breath, I step up to the pulpit and look out over the sea of faces gathered to mourn my father. I clear my throat and begin. "My father..." My voice catches. I pause, steadying myself before continuing.

"Don Accardo was a giant among men. Formidable, respected, and feared by many. But he was also loving, generous, and a man of honor. He built something greater than himself - a family, an empire, a legacy that will endure."

I glance at the casket beside me, draped in flowers. "He prepared me for this day, though I hoped it would not come so soon. I am ready to take his place, to bear the responsibilities he has passed to me."

Murmurs ripple through the crowd at this pronouncement. I go on, my voice ringing with conviction. "As your new Don, I vow to uphold my father's values of loyalty, justice and strength. I will protect what he built with my life."

More murmurs, louder now. I sense the crowd's energy shifting. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rosalie Battaglia lean forward intently.

"To honor my father's memory, we must stand united. Any threat to this family will be crushed." At this, fists are raised, shouts of allegiance piercing the silence. I nod, steel in my eyes.

I raise my hands and the crowd quiets.

"There will be challenges ahead. My father's passing leaves a void, and some will see it as a weakness." I pause, letting that sink in.

"But they are mistaken." My voice is ice. "I will not tolerate disloyalty or anyone who threatens what we have built. Betray this family, betray me, and you will pay the price."

The crowd murmurs again, understanding the threat beneath my words. I survey their faces, seeing fear, respect, and anticipation.

"But today is not about threats. It is about honoring a great man." I gesture to the casket. "Saying goodbye to one who shaped us all."

My voice softens. "In this time of mourning, we must also celebrate. Remember all my father accomplished. The lives he touched, the care he showed each of you."

I see heads nodding, eyes glistening with tears.

"Though he will be missed, let us not forget that his spirit lives on in all of us." I place my hand over my heart. "We must make him proud. I will make him proud."

There are shouts of assent. I raise my hand again for silence.

"My father prepared me for this, but I do not stand alone." My eyes find Tatiana in the crowd. Her strength and beauty take my breath away.

"With loyalty, with love..." I hold Tatiana's gaze. "We will overcome any trial. We will honor my father's legacy. Together."

Chapter 16