Tatiana's hand rests on my thigh, her touch electric against my skin. I glance over at her, taking in the way her mahogany hair cascades around her shoulders, her green eyes reflecting the world passing by outside.

"Last night was...incredible," she murmurs, a soft smile playing on her lips. I feel warmth suffuse my chest, and I reach over to lace my fingers through hers.

"Agreed," I say, my voice husky with emotion. "I never expected things to end as they did."

"Me neither," she admits, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Philippe," she begins, hesitating for a moment before continuing, "I've been wondering about your role in all of this. Well, it is obvious that you have some authority, considering how people treated you last night. But what exactly do you do?"

I grip the steering wheel tighter, my knuckles turning white under the strain. How much should I reveal without scaring her off?

"Let's just say that I make sure things run smoothly," I answer cautiously, glancing sideways to gauge her reaction.

"Like a manager?" she presses, her curiosity piqued.

"Something like that," I reply evasively, knowing that if she knew the truth – that I am a powerful mafia leader responsible for the lives and fates of countless people – she might run far away from me. And I couldn't bear to lose her, not now.

Tatiana studies my face, her eyes searching for answers I'm not yet ready to give. But instead of pushing further, she nods and leans back in her seat, her fingers tracing idle patterns on the soft leather.

"Whatever it is you do," she says softly, "I just hope that you're happy."

"Happy" is a loaded word in my world, one that often feels out of reach. But when I look at Tatiana, leaning into the sunlight streaming through the window, her hand still resting on mine, I can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, happiness isn't so far away after all.

"Listen, Philippe," she says, her voice gentle but firm when I don't respond. "I know you're holding back. I don't need to know everything, but I want to know you. The real you."

Her words pierce my heart like a well-aimed dagger. I hesitate, debating whether to reveal the truth or keep her in the dark –a decision that could make or break whatever fragile connection we've formed overnight.

"Are you sure?" I ask, my voice strained with emotion. "My life... it's not exactly what you'd call normal."

Tatiana reaches over, placing her hand on mine reassuringly. "I won't be scared away. You don't have to tell me everything, but let me in. Just a little."

Her touch sends shivers down my spine, and for a moment, I'm tempted to spill all my secrets right here and now. But something holds me back – a lingering fear that once she knows the darkness within me, she'll never look at me the same way again.

Taking a deep breath, I decide to tread carefully. "There are things I do, decisions I have to make... They're not always easy, but they're necessary to keep my world in order."

"Your world?" she echoes, her gaze never leaving mine.

"An underground world," I explain cryptically. "A world where I control the fates of many. Some would say an illegal world.”

Tatiana nods slowly, digesting my words. She doesn't look afraid, but I can sense her concern for me – as if she knows how heavy the weight of my responsibilities can be.

"Thank you for sharing that with me," she says softly. "I know it wasn't easy."

I sigh with relief. At least she didn't recoil at the word illegal.

"So," I begin, trying to lighten the mood. "You do this often?"

"By this, you mean...?" she inquires.

"Follow strange men into dark rooms without fear."

She parts those big, luscious lips and bites the lower one before breaking into a smile. "Never, actually."

"Thank god. You'd have found yourself in big trouble someday."

"Maybe I'm looking for trouble," she winks at me.

I glance at her with a sudden movement of my neck. "That's not funny," I mutter. "The world is a dangerous place, Tatiana."