Page 113 of The Don's Prima Donna

“Of course. What is it?” Her voice is alert and professional.

“Tatiana is missing. As you know, Felix might have told you that there was a shooting at our engagement. I can't find her since. I need you to find out all you can about a man called Martin Thorne. He drove her to safety, I believe, or could be more. Can you do it?”

“Absolutely.” Her fingers fly across the keyboard in the background. “Give me a few minutes to break in. I’ll call you back shortly with the locations.”

“Fast as you can,” I urge. “And Rosalie—this stays between us.”

“You have my word.” The line goes dead.

I end the call and glance over at my men. “We have a lead. Let’s wait for Rosalie’s call.”

At last, a flicker of hope. Rosalie’s one of the best hackers in the country. If anyone can find Tatiana, it’s her.

We've set up headquarters on the boots of our cars, pacing and waiting for Rosalie's call.

Finally, my phone rings, Rosalie's number flashing across the screen. I grab it, pulse racing. "Did you find anything?"

"I called Illuminati. They were able to provide me with some vital information," Rosalie's voice crackles over the line, her excitement palpable. "It seems that Martin has a GPS installed in his car, and we were able to hack into the car company's records to access it."

My heart leaps at the news. This could be our breakthrough. "Give me everything you’ve found."

"Well, according to the GPS records, Martin's car traveled to an isolated spot near the forests," Rosalie explains. "It's a remote location, hidden from prying eyes. I've sent you the coordinates. Three possible locations near where he's parked," she adds.

"I'm sending the satellite images for those. An abandoned farmhouse on the other side of town, a row of warehouses downtown, and another warehouse by the docks. I'm sending you the addresses now."

"Perfect. We'll check them immediately. Let me know if you find anything else."

"Will do. And Philippe?" Rosalie hesitates. "Bring her home."

"I will." I hang up and turn to my men. "We've got three locations. Suit up and meet back here in ten minutes. We're getting Tatiana back tonight."

The row of warehouses looms before us, dark and foreboding against the night sky. My men fan out, weapons at the ready, as we approach the first location. There are no signs of life here, but I have them sweep it regardless.

The warehouse at the dock is empty as well, but as we pull up to the farmhouse, a flicker of light in a basement window catches my eye. I raise a fist, signaling my men to stop.

Rosario slides up next to me, peering at the house. "You think they're in there, Boss?"

"Could be a trap," I say quietly. "But we have to check. Surround the house and be ready. We're going in."

Chapter 46


Cold blood seeps between my fingers as I run towards Martin's side, cradling Martin's lifeless body. He's gone, my protector, my savior...the man who loved me, in whatever incomprehensible manner, and I never knew.

"No, no, no!" I sob, shaking him, desperately willing him to open his eyes. But his gaze remains fixed, dull and glassy.

A rough hand clamps onto my arm, jerking me upright. "Time to go,devochka."

I struggle against the iron grip, kicking and clawing. "Let me go! I won't leave him!"

My captor snarls, cuffing me hard across the cheek. Pain explodes, white hot, but I barely react to it. "You'll do as you're told, or you'll end up just like him."

He drags me away into the bowels of this godforsaken place. And I let him, for fear that the fighting could hurt my child. My throat burns, every breath a ragged sob. I can't give up. I won't give up.

Martin, I will make them pay. I swear it.

The man shoves me into a dank cell, slamming and bolting the door. I fly at it, pounding my fists bloody. "Let me out! Let me out,bastardo!"