Page 105 of The Don's Prima Donna

I open my mouth to call her name, but the floor rushes up to meet me. The impact drives the air from my lungs in an agonizing gasp.

Darkness crowds the edges of my sight. Tatiana...have to... The thought dies as oblivion takes me into its cold embrace.

Through sheer force of will, I drag myself back from the brink of unconsciousness. The sounds of screams and gunfire still fill the air. I grit my teeth against the pain and roll onto my side. Blood continues to pour from the bullet wound, soaking my white shirt crimson.

I scan the chaos, desperately searching for any sign of Tatiana amidst the pandemonium. My heart pounds with fear and worry for her safety. Where is she? Is she hurt? Is our baby okay?

I try to call out but only manage a hoarse croak. Frantically, I look around, terror rising in me. I have to find her!

Suddenly, Uncle Carlo appears above me, face streaked with blood. He hauls me to my feet, half-dragging me towards the back of the hall. My vision grays again, and I sag against him. His voice sounds muffled and far away.

"It's over, the shooters are dead. We need to get you help."

His words slowly penetrate the fog, clouding my mind. Over? The implications sink in, filling me with despair. How many of my men have perished? What a devastating blow.

But one thought burns through it all - Tatiana—still no sign of her. My heart constricts with fear for her fate. I have to find her; I have to know she's safe! Uncle Carlo’s voice fades away as darkness claims me once more.

I come to with a gasp, my eyes flying open. For a moment, I'm disoriented, unsure of where I am or how much time has passed. Slowly, it comes back to me - the engagement party, the shooting, the desperate search for Tatiana amidst the chaos...

I try to sit up, only to be pressed back down by Uncle Carlo. "Easy, you've lost a lot of blood. The doctor's still on his way, but the nurses have set up a transfusion in the meantime."

My throat is parched, but I manage to rasp out, "Tatiana?"

Uncle's face tightens, his eyes filled with sympathy and concern. He shakes his head.

My heart feels like it is being crushed by an unseen hand. How can there be no sign of her? My mind spins with terrible possibilities. Has she been kidnapped? Could she be lying somewhere, hurt or worse?

Panic and dread rise within me. I cannot lose her! "I have to...I have to find her..." I gasp out, struggling against Alessandro’s restraining hands.

"We've searched everywhere," he says gently. "She's gone. I'm sorry, Philippe. We're all looking, scouring through the CCTV footage."

His words hit me like a fist blow. Gone. Tatiana is gone. Our child! The world tilts around me, a great roar in my ears. After everything we've endured, all the dangers we've faced together, could I truly have lost them like this?

Chapter 42


Gunshots ring out, shattering the joyous music. Screams pierce the air as guests dive under tables and behind chairs.

Philippe tries protecting me. There's a stampede. Or, at least, it feels like a stampede. My hand is pulled away from his. The crowd is now pushing me. I cradle my baby, running in the direction I'm being forced to run in.

If I fight this crowd, I could fall. Someone could trample me. My baby. My baby.

Caro Dio, ti prego, mantienici al sicuro– Dear Lord, please keep us safe.

Panic rises in my chest. Where's Philippe? My gaze darts around the lavish ballroom, searching for his familiar towering frame.

"Tatiana, come with me!" Martin grabs my arm, dragging me toward the exit.

I’m relieved to see a familiar face. “Martin, help me find Philippe. Can you see him?”

"There's no time!" Martin pulls me against the crowd. "We have to get you to safety."

Shots continue to ring out, coming closer and closer. A bullet whizzes by, shattering a glass vase inches from my head.

I scream, dropping to the floor and crawling behind a table through the glass shards.

My heart pounds as I peer around the edge of the table, searching for the shooter. Martin follows me, crouching next to me.