Page 51 of Kodiak

“He’s here to gloat over his success, but we snatched that right away from him. He must be pissed,” Kodiak said.

“What are we waiting for?” Kaiya said. “Let’s go arrest his ass.”

* * *

Kodiak couldn’t believehis eyes when he read the text, but Ailee had gotten the information straight from Celeste. He’d never doubted either Ailee or Celeste would come through; the satisfaction of taking down Trasker would be beyond measure. The AFP mobilized faster than he could have imagined. They sent officers ahead of the assault team to seal the building. When the team arrived in full gear, Kaiya ready and willing to go in with them, no one had been allowed to leave the building. They rode up in the elevator and were met with automatic gunfire the moment the doors opened.

Trapped inside, Boomer tossed two homewreckers into the hall. The resulting explosions took out several of Trasker’s guards. They rushed into the hall, heading to the main office, mowing down anyone who stood in their way.

When they reached the office, a woman was huddled on the floor, hiding behind her desk. Skull and Bones kept her contained while Boomer blew the doors to the office. They blasted open and the SEALs and Kaiya flooded inside ready for another battle, but the room was empty.

Kodiak walked out of Trasker’s posh office, grabbed the woman by the neck of her blouse, and demanded, “Where is he?” through gritted teeth.

“The roof,” she squeaked.

That’s when they heard the helicopter.

They rushed to the roof, but they were too late. The helicopter disappeared into the distance.

* * *

Iceman couldn’t believehis eyes when he saw the text from Kodiak. Ailee had come through for them. Celeste had come through for them, and they had the coordinates of where their women were being held. They had to hurry before Trasker, that fucking deceitful bastard, got to them. All the while they were trying to fight against NSH, Trasker had been in the background laughing at them.

They were all currently at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. But as soon as they got the text, the base was scrambling to get them a chopper. It was only a matter of time.

Driven by the constriction in his chest at the thought he would be reunited with Rose within half an hour sent him frantically kitting out and running for the chopper, which had been fueled and was currently waiting on the frozen landing strip for their personal use.

He, Preacher, GQ, Bree, Kat, and Volk loaded up into the sleek Blackhawk. As soon as they were settled, he ordered the pilot to lift off. Yet before they made any kind of substantial air, an explosion rocked the helo, and it started to spin out of control.

Then there was a hard landing, and everything went black.


Kaiya,Kodiak, and the team were still on the roof watching the empty sky where the helicopter disappeared. Trasker was gone. Stillness surrounded the team as they soaked in the failure. Kaiya knew exactly how they felt because she felt it, too—some combination of disbelief, anger, and hopelessness. She was jolted back to the present by the voice in her earpiece as Anna’s solemn voice came over the comms. “Iceman and the team have been hit in Anchorage. Their chopper was shot down.”

Kaiya could hardly catch her breath. Her mind refused to function, but her eyes were drawn to where Kodiak stood with his team and then, her heart broke. The pain in Kodiak’s stricken eyes was soul-deep. His impenetrable warrior armor had been ripped off, leaving every emotion exposed. She stared at him and groped for something to say that would ease his pain, her gut churning with a mix of care, alarm, and helplessness.

“What the fuck!” Kodiak demanded. He paced away, his eyes blazing as he shot the space where Trasker had disappeared with contempt before turning away.

“Casualties?” Reck’d broke in.

A sick feeling washed through her.

“We don’t have any information as of right now. Coast Guard Search and Rescue are searching for the crash site. There’s a storm coming in and…” Her voice trailed off.

“Goddammit!” Hazard said, pacing. “Fucking NSH!” He shook the woman they had brought with them to the roof. “What do you know!”

Her face was frozen in terror, and her hands rose as if she expected to be beaten. She wondered if Trasker had abused her like that. The woman blurted out, “He’s angry at someone called Celeste.” When the blow didn’t come, she dropped her hands, her eyes bleak. “He said he was going there to beat the information out of her, and her friends were going to die in front of her. He was livid and ranting. I’ve never seen him like that before. I think he meant it,” she whispered.

“Get us a jet, Anna. Now! We’re going to Anchorage!” Kodiak ordered.

“Head for NBS Sydney. I’ll have our supersonic jet there and fueled in twenty minutes,” she said, her voice strengthening. “Still, it’s going to be at least two hours before you land.”

“We know. Just keep us updated about Iceman, the guys, and Kat and Bree. We know where Trasker is going. He’s going to eliminate Rose, Karasu, and Celeste.”

“He’d be a fool to go there,” Anna said.

“He wants something from Celeste, and he’s not going to rest until he gets it,” Kodiak responded.