Page 16 of How We Hated

There’s a pause, and I watch as the bubbles appear and disappear for a minute or two before she responds.

Because running is something for only you. That’s what a hobby is supposed to be. Football and baseball are with groups of people.

Then, how did you know I ran?

Because I see you on the hills.

I pinch my eyebrows together.She sees me? How can anyone see me? I run through the hills behind my house.

Are you stalking me?

Get over yourself.

Then, how do you see me?

I ride my horse to the river. That’s the back of our property. Your house sits on the hill that overlooks our ranch.

I didn’t realize the ranch went back that far.

Yeah, well, it does. So, no, I’m not stalking you. We just happen to be in the same place. Brandy’s gotten spooked by you a few times.


My horse. You should probably know her name at least since we’re supposed to be interviewing each other about our hobbies.

There’s a pause in our conversation, and I think it’s over, so I put my phone down, thinking we’ll talk later since I’ve at least done my job of giving her my number. Then, my phone dings again.

Why do you always run back there when the stadium has that new fancy track?

I think about what to say, then figure there’s no reason to lie, so I tell her the truth.

I like to be alone when I run.

I pause, then type more.

Well at least I thought I was alone. Why do you ride back there?

Same reason I guess.

Good. That’s one thing we can put down for our interview. The faster we can get this done, the better.

When I get the middle-finger emoji back, I can’t help but laugh as I throw my phone down and get ready to hop in the shower from my run.

I walk to the bathroom and close the door, but before I can turn on the water, my dad knocks.


I let out a heavy breath. “Yeah, Dad?”Can this not wait until I’m out of the bathroom?

“We need to talk about getting that application ready.”

“Dad, it’s barely September. We have time.”

Early applications are due the first week of November, and he’s been riding my ass every day about it.

“Yes, but we need those letters of recommendation. Did you ask your coach yet?”

“Dad, you paid for the entire new wing at the school. I don’t think I’ll have a problem with getting in.”