“You ready to go?” Thomas peeks his head into my room.
I don’t say a word, just grab my bag and walk past him with a huff.
“It’s like that, huh?” he says under his breath.
I just ignore him and head to the truck, thankful that my mom was nowhere to be seen.
It was hard enough to try to act normal around her this morning while I ate breakfast and got ready. I guessI should be glad I don’t have to fake it with Thomas because I’m not sure just how much more I can take.
I’m able to sneak in and out of first period without having to see Dalton, but now that second period is about to start, I know my luck has ended.
I walk into class, and my heart skips a beat when I see Dalton sitting there, slumped down in his seat, staring at his phone.
He looks up, and when our eyes meet, I can’t breathe. His expression of hope just about kills me.
We stare at each other for a second before I close my eyes and head straight to my desk, sitting in my chair with my back to him and begging myself not to turn around.
“Where’s your phone?” he whispers, making me blink away tears at the sound of his voice.
I dig in my bag, holding it up and showing that it’s turned off.
He huffs and tosses his phone on the desk a little too loudly, making the class turn his way. Thankfully, Miss Hernandez ignores him and goes on.
I don’t know how, but I make it through the class without completely losing it.
When the bell rings, I grab my things, but before I can get up, Dalton walks past me, saying, “Turn it on.”
I stay seated in my chair, taking a deep breath and gathering my thoughts as everyone else leaves the classroom. I take my phone out of my bag and stare at it like it’s some puzzle that could solve the problems of the world, but no one seems to be able to figure out how to turn it on. At least, that’s how it makes me feel inside.
When I notice I’m the only person left in theclassroom, I grab my things and race out of the room, heading straight to the restroom and into a stall. My heart is racing as I turn on my phone and wait for whatever Dalton had to say to pop up.
As the dings come in, I feel like my stomach falls to the ground.
Please don’t do this. We can figure it out.
Natalie, I mean it. I want to be with you.
You mean more to me than anyone I’ve ever known.
Natalie, please talk to me.
I’m going down to our spot. Please come meet me so we can talk.
I’m here. Will you please come?
I’m going home, but I’m not giving up on us.
The last text came through past midnight. Knowing he waited that long for me out there breaks my heart even more. I don’t want to hurt him this way, but I really don’t have a choice. I have no doubt that Thomas will tell my dad, and if he does, my dad will put a stop to it right then and there.
The warning bell rings, and I clench my phone in my hand, inhaling a deep breath and willing myself to go to my next class.
I exit the stall and leave the restroom, praying I can make it through the rest of the day. As I enter my third period class, I take my seat just when I feel my phone buzz in my hand. I didn’t even realize I was still clenching it.
I look down at it to see Dalton’s text.
Please meet me tonight.
Tears well in my eyes. This is exactly why I turned off my phone last night. I knew I couldn’t tell him no. And I still can’t. So, I reply.