Page 92 of How We Hated

He used to always say, “A man’s handshake says a lot about him.”

Thankfully, Randy does the same, and we shake hands.

“Yes, sir. We got it jumped.”

He looks a little perplexed, which I take as a good thing. If I’m going to change his mind about me, then I’m on the right path.

He doesn’t say anything, and really, there’s no need for him to, so I head back to my truck, shouting over my shoulder, “See you, Thomas.”

“Yeah, thanks for the jump,” he replies.


I put the truck in reverse, pull out of the spot, and drive away, giving them a friendly wave as I do so.

A couple of days later, I’m leaving practice when I see Thomas a few feet in front of me in the parking lot, walking with another guy.

I decide to try to talk to him, so I yell, “Hey, Thomas. You got a minute?”

I don’t get the same glare I have in the past, but his body language says I’m still on his shit list. He hits theguy’s shoulder with the back of his palm, motioning that he’ll talk to him later. Then, he waits for me to get to where he’s standing.

“Yeah, what’s up?” he asks.

I continue walking toward him and as I get close, he starts again keeping my same pace as I ask, “How’s the truck?”

“It was just the battery. Got a new one, and she’s good as new.”

“Glad to hear. I wanted to talk to you about something else.”

He doesn’t say anything, so I look at him, and he raises his eyebrows, like he’s waiting for me to say something. We stop walking when I get to my truck, and I turn to face him.

“Your sister,” is all I say, and I’m pushed up against my truck so fast that I feel the beast shake behind me.

“Don’t you fucking touch her,” he growls in my face.

I’ve known Thomas to be a mean son of a bitch, but this takes it to a whole other level.

I hold up my hands in surrender. “I just want to?—”

He places his forearm into my chest. “You want to nothing. You hear me? Nothing. She is absolutely off-limits to you.”

He pushes himself off of me and turns to walk away with a huff.

That did not go well.



I’m sitting in my room, doing homework, when Thomas bursts in.

“Please tell me there’s nothing going on between you and Dalton Wick.”

I’m speechless as I stare at him and blink.

My expression must answer his question because he steps closer. “You have got to be shitting me.”

I stand up, knocking my books to the ground. “How did you find out?”