Page 89 of How We Hated

“That’s better.” She laughs. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

I make sure I look at least a little presentable and head out of my room. “Mom, I’m going to getsomething to eat with Ashley,” I say as I enter the kitchen, where she’s canning some jam.

“Okay. I have money in my purse if you need some,” she responds.

“I’ve got it. Thanks though.”

She steps away from what she was doing and comes closer to me. “Hey.” She places her hand on my shoulder. “Is everything okay? You seem a little off.”

I force a smile, though all I want to do is cry. I can’t let her see that because then there’ll be no holding back and I’ll have to tell her. I’m not ready to tell her. I have to decide if this is even worth upsetting my family over.

“Yeah. Just tired. Maybe some caffeine at lunch will help me.”

She eyes me, and I know she knows I’m lying, but thankfully, she lets me go without questioning me more. We’ve always had a great relationship like that. She knows I’ll talk to her when I’m ready—I always do. I love that she gives me the space to work it out in my head first though.

Ashley texts me, saying she’s here, so I grab my purse and give my mom a hug. “See you later.”

She returns my hug. “Love you, so much.”

“Love you too, Mom.”

I walk out the door and head to Ashley’s car, where I plop down in the seat with a huff.

“Hey.” She slaps my leg with the back of her hand. “I told you I’d need more enthusiasm from you, none of this moping crap.”

With my head lying back on the headrest, I turn to her with a sigh. “Sorry. It’s just that I’m a wreck over this Dalton thing. How did I get myself in this situation?”

“By situation, do you mean, how did you end up dating one of the hottest guys in school? Because I don’t really see the problem there.”

“You don’t. But they will.” I point back to my house, then reach for the seat belt and click it into the buckle as she drives away from the curb.

“What would they really do?”

I look down and fidget with my phone. “I’ve never disappointed my dad. He’d probably feel like I was betraying him.” I look back at her. “I don’t want him to ever feel that way. My dad is the most amazing man I’ve ever met. He’s already been through so much, all basically because of Dalton’s dad.”

“But it’syourlife.”

“But he’smydad.” I glance back at the house. “He deserves a daughter who respects him more. Mike Wick ruined my dad’s life in more ways than one. He’ll never be okay with us dating.”

“Then, end it with Dalton,” she states so bluntly that my eyes pop out of my head. “Ha! Your reaction says everything I need to know about that option.” She grabs my hand. “You really like him, don’t you?”

I nod, biting my inner lip.

“Don’t you think your dad would understand then?”

I drop my head back on the headrest again. “I just don’t know.”

When she makes a left turn instead of a right toward the downtown area, I ask, “Where are we going?”

She gives me a half smile. “To Ben’s. Dalton asked me to come pick you up. Looks like you two need to talk even more than I thought.”

I’m not sure if I should be mad that she lied to meor happy that she’s taking me to see him. All of it just adds to the jumble of emotions that are flying through my head.

We pull up, and Dalton is waiting by the curb for us.

Seeing him doesn’t help my emotions because, right now, I’m overjoyed he’s here even though I know I shouldn’t be.

He opens the car door for me, and when I step out, he takes my head in his hands and kisses me softly yet so passionately that I melt in his grasp.