Page 8 of How We Hated


She’s putting her gloves on nonchalantly, slapping them together as she walks to the building to grab a shovel, completely ignoring the fact that I’m standing here.

I drop my head back as I let out a loud sigh.Why is the universe fucking with me this week?

I shake my head and turn to face her. “You’ve blocked me in.” I point to the mess she’s created.

Not only does she not respond, but she also doesn’t even flinch at my question.

“Hello!” I wave my hands in the air.


Biting down the anger brewing inside of me, I swiftly move toward her.

“Are you going to just sit there and ignore me?” I bite out.

She fights a grin as she removes the earbuds she had hidden behind her hair.

“What do you want?” she asks like she hasn’t a clue in the world what’s going on.

“What do I want?” I huff at her. “I want you to move your shit, literally. It smells like absolute crap back here, and you’ve also completely blocked the only way for me to get out.”

“Well, there’s a reason people don’t park back there.So”—she sidesteps me and goes back to what she was doing—“that’s not my problem.”

Completely dumbfounded at the audacity of this girl, I fight back the urge to scream at her while she goes about her business, putting her earbuds back in and walking toward the trailer that’s full of manure.

She thinks she’s putting one over on me, but she has no idea who she’s messing with. Two can play at this game, and I’m about to place a checkmate on her ass.

I walk past her and head straight to my truck.

One of the things I wanted on my truck was a massive aftermarket steel bumper. My father thought it was ridiculous, considering I wouldn’t actually be using the truck for work purposes, but right here, right now, I know I got it for this exact reason.

“Lil Bit” by Nelly and Florida Georgia Line is playing on the radio now, and I turn it up even louder. The two fifteens I have in the back, where a second-row passenger seat is supposed to be, will get anyone’s attention, no matter how much they are trying to ignore me.

Breaking out my big wheel and saying, “Let’s roll,” like the song suggests, brings on a totally different meaning, but it fits perfectly as I slowly roll forward, pushing her entire trailer, including all the things she had resting on the side to the ground. Slowly, I rev the engine, using my bumper to clear a path for me to get through.

I watch as Natalie comes running up, screaming something, but the music is so loud that I can’t hear a word she says.

She approaches my passenger door and slaps herhand on it, but I just look at her and point to my ear, like I can’t hear what she’s trying to say, continuing to slowly move forward to push her trailer out of the way.

I have to bite back my laugh when I see a vein practically pop out of her forehead because she’s so pissed off.

I don’t know why she’s so mad. I’m not being a total dick about what I’m doing. Believe me, I could ruin her shit in point-two seconds by just running it over completely, but that’s not me—I’m not a total asshole, even to her.

Right now, she’s getting what she deserves. Anyone who fucks with me gets fucked with right back. I ain’t no bitch, and I surely won’t back down.

She’s just getting a taste of the real Dalton, which, hopefully, she’ll remember when we have to partner in this bullshit English class.

I think she’s given up as I make more progress, moving the trailer out of the way—until I notice her jumping up on the trailer and onto the pile of dirt until we’re face to face, and she puts her hands on the hood of my truck.

“Stop the truck!” she screams, but I can only tell by reading her lips and by the way her face is beet red.

I spare her throat from having to yell—and, really, mine too—and turn down the music.

“I’m not going to stop. It’s cute and all—you trying to stop me—but you do realize you’re standing on a pile of shit right now, right?”

She crosses her arms. “No, I’m staring at a pile of shit,” she responds with a raise of her eyebrows.