Page 79 of How We Hated

Neither one of us want to actually say the wordstopbut we both know we need to.

Begrudgingly, I sit up and move back to my seat while she slides up herself. When we glance out the windshield, we see a mom staring back at us with an expression of disapproval written all over her face.

“Yeah, let’s go,” I chuckle under my breath and crank the engine.

Maybe parking along the lake on a Sunday morning wasn’t the best idea.



Another week has gone by with Dalton and me living our secret lives. Every night, we spend time together at the back of our properties, and every Sunday, we’ve been hanging out, so I’m not surprised when I get a text from him, asking to do something, but I am surprised when he asks me to go to Ben’s with him.

Come on. Ashley and Marcus will be there, too, so no having to lie to your parents.

Do they know about us?

Yes. Ben figured it out two weeks ago. And look, they’ve kept it a secret.

Hearing they’ve known for a while does make me feel better about going. If they made it through this longat school and said nothing, then maybe I should trust them too.

Okay, I’ll call Ashley.

He texts back a smiley emoji, making me laugh as I press Ashley’s name to give her a call.

“So, he talked you into it?” is all she says as she answers the phone.

“How did you know?” I ask, surprised.

“That’s how he knew I’d be going. I told him he should just make you come. Not everyone thinks it’s as big of a deal as you’re making it. It will be just fine.”

I sigh, terrified to make us so public, but hoping she’s right. “Okay, come pick me up. I’ll go with you.”

“Yay! I’ll be there shortly.”

I hang up and text Dalton.

See you soon.

Can’t wait.

Ashley and I pull up to Ben’s place, and I hop out of the car with a knot in my stomach when I see Dalton’s truck parked out front. Something about walking through that door will make everything about Dalton and me official. I’ve been able to compartmentalize my thoughts and feelings on this, keeping him tucked awayas this little secret, but after I walk through that door, I can’t pretend anymore.

Dalton must have been watching for us because he’s out the door and greeting me by the car before I can even take a step toward the barn.

“Hey,” he says as he leans in to kiss me.

“Hey to you too,” Ashley yells over the car, making him laugh.

“Thanks for bringing my girl,” he replies, sending chills down my spine.

That’s the first time he’s called me his girl. Actually, it’s the first time I’ve heard it said out loud like that. I have to close my eyes to let it all sink in.

Yes, this is happening. No, I don’t know how my dad will react, and, no, I don’t want it to stop. I’m a horrible daughter.

He takes me by my hand and walks me into the barn.

“Yay!” Maya yells out and rushes toward me. “So glad you guys are finally going public with this.”