Page 74 of How We Hated

God, he looks so handsome when he’s being playful with me.

“She just set up a group of us to all go to the homecoming dance together so no one has to worry about dates. This way, we can still go together at least.”

He stares off ahead of him as he nods his head slowly, letting everything sink in. “So, we’re keeping this a secret?”

“We don’t have a choice. But, hey”—I put my finger under his chin, turning him to face me—“sneaking around could be fun.” I lean in and surprise even myself when I kiss him.

I’ve never felt so bold, so brave in my life. I’ve never kissed a boy first. I’ve always let them kiss me, yet here I am, kissing Dalton Wick—the most popular guy in school, my family’s sworn enemy, and now my secret boyfriend.

Lord help me.



I’ve had the best few weeks of my life. Who knew sneaking around would be so much fun? If I’m not trying to steal kisses from Natalie in the restroom at school, I’m staying with her until late at night at the back of our properties.

She’s had to push our meeting time back so she doesn’t miss dinner with her family. At first, I thought it was crazy, but then realized it would give me time to still get my run in, then shower and meet up with her later, so it’s worked out pretty well.

Now that it’s Sunday, I’ve convinced her to go driving with me just to go do something different.

I head out of my house to pick her up from school. She needed to do some stuff with the FFA, so her parents won’t question anything, thinking she’s still there.

When I pull into the back of the school, there’s nota person in sight as she runs to my truck and hops in, sliding over to give me a kiss, then keeping her spot right next to me on the bench seat.

I never thought having an old truck like this would benefit me in this way, but there is something to be said about having a girl being able to sit so close to you while driving. That’s not possible in new trucks.

I laugh to myself before I sing, “Rollin’ on thirty-fives. Pretty girl by my side,” from the Luke Bryan song “That’s My Kind of Night.”

She giggles—which is the cutest sound ever—as I wrap my arm around the back of her and lean it on the seat. It’s ridiculous how happy this girl makes me.

“Where are we headed?” she asks as she puts on her lap belt.

“Thought we would just cruise and see where this takes us.”

“Sounds good to me.”

She places her hand on my knee as I put the truck in gear, then wrap my arm around her again as we drive away from the center of town to the back country roads to see where the road will take us.

“With a Woman You Love” by Justin Moore plays on the radio, and I look at her and smile, the song making more sense now.

These last few weeks, I’ve only wanted to be with her. I’ve dated other girls, but no one hit me as hard as her.

I turn onto a country road that leads to a creek, where I find a place to park.

“I brought us some dinner. Thought we could have a picnic,” I say when she turns to me in question.

“You did not.” She laughs with amazement.

I lean back, acting offended. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

She reaches up to kiss me. “I’m not. That’s sweet. What did you bring?”

I open the truck door, and she climbs out on my side as well.

Reaching in the back, I grab a bag I placed there, as well as a blanket, then take her hand to lead her to a flat place to set up. “You’ll see.”

We walk for just a few feet, where I set down the bag and lay out the blanket for her.