Page 71 of How We Hated

I cover my face with my hands. “Yes.”

“And you liked running with him?” Ashley asks.

I slowly run my hands down my face, exasperated. “Every minute sucked because he absolutely kicked my ass, but then, yeah, I did like it.” I pause and take a deep breath. “Turned out, he liked running with me too. Said I pushed him to go harder, be more competitive.”

They both laugh.

“Well, he hit you on the head with that one,” Susie states, almost like sayingduh.

“You mean, he hit the nail on the head?” I ask, laughing.

She blows me off. “You know what I meant.”

I lift my shoulders up and down quickly. “That was pretty much it. We had a moment, he kissed me, and then I freaked out and ran.”

“You ran?” they ask in unison.

“Yeah, I ran. This cannot happen between us, remember? If my dad finds out …” I shiver at the thought.

“He won’t find out. We’ll make sure of it!” Ashley tries to be promising.

“So, was this last night, and this morning was the first time he saw you since you ran?”

I cover my face again and shake my head.

“There’s more?” Susie asks, excitement dripping from her as she bounces in her seat, grabbing my hands and forcing them away from my face.

“I tried to get him to drop it, but he wouldn’t. He can be pretty persistent.”

“Oh jeez, how did you handle one of the hottest guys in school not wanting to leave you alone?” Susie teases, and I slap her shoulder playfully.

“I kept telling myself I wasn’t going to go see him and I was going to stop whatever was happening between us, but there I was last night, riding Brandy out to see him.”

“Then, what happened?” Susie asks, on the edge of her seat.

“Once I got there, he asked if I knew what me being there meant.” I watch as both of their eyes get big with anticipation. “When I nodded … he kissed me.” I drop my head back against the seat again with a sigh. “God, did he kiss me.”

“O-M-G,” Susie squeals. “What that means is, you’re his girlfriend.”

I raise my arms up, then drop them by my sides. “But how?”

Ashley turns in her seat and starts the car. “I don’t know, but it looks like you’ll be hanging out with me at Ben’s place a lot more.” She laughs.

I lean forward in the car so I’m closer to them, making sure they know how serious this is. “You can’t tell anyone! Please! I need to figure this out first before anyone else knows.”

“Girl, we got you. Our lips are sealed,” Ashley says.

“As long as your lips are sealed on his and you tell us everything.” Susie laughs as she turns to face forward and buckle her seat belt.

“To Ben’s we go!” Ashley says.

“To Ben’s we go,” I whisper under my breath, wishing it were seriously that easy.



We stop to get ice cream as we wait for the guys to shower and get to Ben’s. By the time we arrive, the place is flooded with people everywhere.