Page 70 of How We Hated

“There sure were.” Maya jumps into our conversation with her same enthusiasm as always.

Ben picks up Maya and has her step onto his knee, and she swings around in a move that throws her onto his shoulders so she’s sitting, straddling his head. It looked so smooth and seamless; I can’t believe she was able to get up there so easily.

“To the showers!” Maya points to the locker rooms, like she’s guiding a group into battle on the back of a horse.

“Oh, I’ll throw you in the shower all right.” Ben holds on to her legs as he starts running, then stops as they both laugh.

The group begins to follow them, but before I turn to do so, I’m stuck, staring at Dalton, wanting nothing more than to wrap my arms around him and kiss him like he kissed me last night, but knowing there’s no way in hell I could.

He raises his eyebrows ever so slightly before giving me a shy grin and heading off to join his friends.

I don’t even notice Susie right beside me until she’s pulling on my arm.

“Girl, this shit is fire! God, why can’t I be you? That look was intense!”

“Um, yeah. Care to explain something?” Ashley butts in as she approaches us. “Even I saw that.”

I close my eyes in horror, not sure if I want anyone else to know.

“They totally kissed!” Susie whisper-blurts out.

I instantly freak out and check around us to make sure no one else heard what she said.

“No. Fucking. Way,” Ashley states, just as shocked as I was when it happened.

“Yep.” Susie pops the P sound to state her fact. “Those two got something going on.”

“Like what?” Ashley’s eyes open up wide.

I wave my arms in front of me, like I’m trying to shoo away bugs—or rather, this conversation. “Not out here!” I say sternly but try to keep my voice down.

Ashley wraps her arm around mine and starts walking us back to her car. “Then, to the car we go! I can’t believe we drove all the way here and you didn’t tell me!”

Once we’re in the car, Ashley wastes no time and doesn’t even bother cranking the engine before she turns to me. “Spill it.”

I close my eyes and let out a deep breath. “I honestly don’t even know how it happened. It just did.”

Ashley looks at Susie, who is sitting in the front passenger seat next to her. “Oh, yeah. No biggie. Just you kissing your lifelong sworn enemy. I mean, that’s not a big deal or anything.” She fakes nonchalance.

I slap her shoulder. “Stop. Believe me, I know it’s a big deal.” I sit back in my seat with a sigh, dropping my head back as well. “This can’t happen.”

“Oh, but it’s already happening.” Susie laughs.

“So, fill me in. Like, he just stopped you after you were done with your assignment and kissed you?” Ashley asks.

“Not exactly …”

They both raise their eyebrows like they’re waiting for me, making me chuckle to myself as I decide to really fill them in.

“I’ve been meeting him at night to run.”

Both of their faces scrunch into balls of confusion.

“You’ve been … I’m sorry … running with Dalton Wick? How? Where?” Ashley asks, her tone proving just how unbelievable—or rather, crazy—this all sounds.

I sigh. “It was part of our project. I had to show him horseback riding, and he showed me running.”

“And you kept going after the project part was over?” Susie asks slowly.