Page 69 of How We Hated

“Number … eighty … one …” she says slowly as she draws on my face.

“Susie!” I stop her, and she breaks out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Ashley asks.

“I told Natalie I was drawing a dick on her face, and she believed me,” Susie responds, making me narrow my eyes at her. “Chill. It’s just a paw print.”

Once she’s finished, we head to the gate with our prepaid tickets up and ready to scan on our phones.

Entering the gates suddenly feels very different. In the past, when I came to a football game, it was because I had been basically forced to by either my friends or my parents to support my brother. Now, I get the level of thrill other people feel, and it makes me a little sad I’ve waited until my senior year to get to this point.

We grab some sodas, then head toward the stands to sit in the student section with just a few minutes to spare before the kickoff.

“Um, I think someone is looking for you.” Susie nudges me, and when I look out onto the field, I see Dalton turned to face us, scanning the crowd.

“Woo! Go, Dalton!” Susie yells at the top of her lungs as she waves her hands in the air.

I grab her, but not in time because Dalton stares right at us, a huge smile growing across his face.

Seeming satisfied that he found us—or me rather—he turns to face the field and slides his helmet over his head.

“Oh, this is so much fun,” Susie says, grabbing me to show her joy.

When Trish, who’s sitting in front of us, turns and eyes me questioningly, I realize just how bad this really could be if people were to find out.

The game starts off with a bang when Dalton catches a long pass and runs in for a touchdown.

Everyone hollers, but I honestly feel like I’m the loudest with how excited that one play made me.

I’ve turned into a madwoman who is jumping up and down, screaming, “Go! Run!” at the top of my lungs.

I have no clue who I am becoming, but I’m loving how happy it’s making me so far.

The game ends with us winning, and everyone rushes the field to congratulate the players. I look for my parents first, so we can all congratulate Thomas together on the win.

My dad looks so proud as he hugs Thomas. “Great job tonight, son.”

“Thanks.” He turns to me. “Look at you, coming to all the games so far.”

“Yeah, sorry I never came before. These have been really fun,” I admit.

Dad puts his arm around me. “We’re sure glad your friends finally convinced you to come too. These are the days you’re going to miss.”

Guilt washes over me and I’ve never wanted to get away from my family as much as I do right now. That thought depresses me even more, but I push it aside and take a deep breath.

“I’m going to go hang with Ashley and Susie. See you guys later.”

I give my dad and mom a hug, then slap my brother’s shoulder pads. “Good job tonight.”

I run to where everyone is standing trying to wash my body from the worry that my family just caused.

Ashley and Marcus are all over each other, so the rest of us ignore them and talk about the game.

“What did you guys think of my boy here kicking ass tonight?” Ben asks as he pounds on Dalton’s shoulder pad.

“You should have seen Natalie losing her mind up there,” Susie says. “Definitely a first for her to act that way while cheering over a football game.”

“Hey, there were some great plays,” I say, trying to defend myself and not make it so obvious.