Page 47 of How We Hated

“Okay then.”

Maya joins us, and we continue to walk back to Ashley’s car.

“Thanks for letting me tag along,” Maya says once we’re all in.

“Anytime,” Ashley responds. “Where should we go while we wait on the guys to get there?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Maya says. “That place is my second home. We can go there and hang out until they come.”

Ashley looks at me sitting in the front seat, repeating my same confused stance as before. “Okay then.”

I shrug in agreement as she puts the car in reverse and heads out of the parking lot.

Leighton River still has that small-town vibe as you drive through the streets until you get to the outskirtsof town, where it feels like you’ve entered a different dimension of reality.

Old oak trees that the city was built around turn into perfectly designed landscaped parkways with flowers and trees evenly spaced on each side, proving that nature didn’t grow them and they were planted this way. LED streetlights change the feel from the old-school yellow glow to this clear blue hue. From this parkway, side roads branch off, leading to the mansions sitting on the side of the hills.

I don’t come back here often, as it saddens me to see just how different our town has become.

Ashley turns onto one road that leads us up the hill even more until we see Ben’s house sitting there like a luxurious painting instead of a real home. We drive around to the back, where the barn is.

“Let me go say hi to Ben’s parents, and then I’ll be back out.” Maya opens the door and climbs out.

I watch as she heads up the long walkway that leads to the back end of their house. Ben’s mom opens the door and greets her before she even gets to knock. Their interaction seems very warm and welcoming as they hug and chat for a few minutes before she walks back to us, motioning for us to join her as she heads towards the barn.

We all hop out of the car and follow her. Watching her little frame manhandle the large door makes me chuckle to myself. She’s a feisty one, and it shows in the way she throws the thing open with all her might.

“Come on in.” She motions before walking in herself and turning on the lights.

I slowly make my way in. Being here with no oneelse gives me weird vibes. A month ago, I would have avoided this place like the plague, and here I am, walking in for the second time this school year only now before anyone else is even here.

Maya opens the fridge. “Do you guys want anything?”

“I’ll take a water if there’s one in there,” I respond. Ashley and Susie agree.

She brings one back for each of us. I crack the lid and take a drink, then sit down on the couch, feeling more out of place than I’ve ever felt in my entire life.

“So, Ashley,” Maya starts, “you and Marcus are getting pretty cozy.”

Of course, Ashley beams with excitement. “He’s so amazing.”

“Yeah, I’ve always thought he was pretty cool,” Maya responds. “What about you two? Are you guys seeing anyone?”

“Well, Natalie here—” Susie says, and I instantly choke on the water I’m drinking as true fear of what she’s about to say races through my veins. “You okay?” She pats me on the back.

“Yeah,” I barely get out. “Just went down the wrong pipe.”

To my dismay, she starts talking again, and my heart pounds so hard until I hear her say, “Natalie and I are sick of the boys in this town.”

A sense of relief washes over me. After her few comments about Dalton today, I would have been mortified if she’d even mentioned his name, especially because there is nothing going on between us.

Maya falls back against the seat cushion, her body language proving she agrees. “Don’t I hear that.”

“But what about you and Ben?” I ask, surprising even myself that I went there.

She sighs. “He’s my bud. It’s not like that. Our moms were best friends, so we’ve been connected at the hip since we were born. We literally have pictures of us together as newborns. I feel like he’s put this label on me though that screams to anyone,She’s not available.” She looks off in space as she takes another drink. “Whatever. Just like you said, it’s not like there’s anyone else I’m pining over.”

Just then, the guys enter the barn, seemingly larger than life as the four of them walk in a straight line, shoulder to shoulder, like the defensive line on a football team.