Page 38 of How We Hated

I walk to the next stall, where Jasper—another one of our horses—is housed. He’s the feistiest horse we have and seeing him puts a slight smile on my face. If Dalton hasn’t ridden a horse before, then Jasper will be perfect for him.

I pat his side. “Come on, Jasper. Let’s get you ready to ride.”

When Brandy huffs next to me, I shout out, “Don’t worry. You’re coming too.”

After I have them both saddled up, I hop up onto Brandy and hold Jasper’s reins as we head out of the stalls.

Thankfully, all the ranch hands have left for the day, so I don’t have to explain to anyone where I’m going with the second horse.

As we turn the corner to where we can cross the river to Dalton’s property, I see him already standing there with a scowl on his face.

“You’re late,” he growls as I approach.

I stop Brandy and hop off of her. “Get over it. I’m here.”

He motions his head toward Jasper. “Why the second horse?”

“I’ve had a shit day, and I don’t want to run, so if you want to work on this project, we’re doing my hobby tonight.”

He crosses his arms over his chest. “You think you can just demand that?”

I nod with a smile. “Yes, I can, and I just did. Now, get on.”

I throw him the reins. He catches them but doesn’t move.

Paying him no attention, I put my foot in the stirrup and hop back onto Brandy with ease. When I see him still standing there, I open my eyes wide in question. “Are you coming?”

I stare at him as he approaches the horse with his hand out, like he’s afraid of him. As he touches him ever so slightly, he jolts back, as if he just touched an electric fence and got shocked.

Laughing, I say, “He won’t bite you.”

Dalton pays me no attention as he examines the saddle and how he might get on.

“Are you joking right now?”

He turns to me in question. “What?”

“You’ve seriously never ridden a horse?”

He glares at me but doesn’t respond.

“Have you ever even been around a horse?”

“Does it look like I’ve ever been around a horse?” he deadpans. “Give me a break. I’m trying to figure this thing out before I fling my body over it.”

“Thisthingis a horse. And you don’t justflingyour body over him.”

Dalton puts his foot in the stirrup and places his hands on either side of the saddle, preparing to hoist himself up.

“Be careful. If you do it wrong, he’ll buck you off, and you don’t want to break an arm or leg if that happens.”

He pauses, and I see the worry cross his face, making me instantly bust out in a fit of giggles.

“I’m kidding,” I say once I catch my breath.

“That’s not funny. I have a lot riding on my body being in tip-top shape. I can’t go breaking something over a stupid assignment.”

I kick my leg slightly, motioning for Brandy to head closer to Jasper, where I hop off.