Page 26 of How We Hated

I take my spot and lie down as Marcus, Ashley and Eli arrive around the same time.

“Well, Ashley, good to see you,” I point out rather loudly, making a point that they must have finally hooked up.

She turns bright red, and Marcus closes his eyes with a chuckle as he comes to slap my hand hello. “Way to be subtle, bro.”

Ben and I both laugh. “You know we have to give you shit. Your flirting ass was taking way too long,” Ben says.

“Yeah, well”—Marcus grabs her and brings her closer with a quick kiss—“she’ll be hanging out with us more often now.

“Yay! More girls.” Maya slides her legs up under her where she’s lying with Ben on the couch. “Take a seat.”

Ashley and Marcus sit on the end of the couch as Eli takes his normal spot on the chair beside us all.

“And you, Eli? How’s that phone?” I ask.

He sighs and puts it away. “Sup,” he says as his greeting.

Ben and I eye each other knowing whoever he’s seeing must be someone good because he’s never kept it this tight lipped before.

After a while, I get up and grab the guitar sitting in the corner of the room. I’ve played for years and it’s notuncommon for me to play while we’re all hanging out like this.

“Are you working on anything new?” Maya asks.

“Yeah, there’s a few that I’ve been playing around with, but one is really sticking with me right now that I heard on the way here and I want to learn it.” I pull it up on YouTube to play for them. “Have you heard the song ‘Pretty Little Poison’ by Warren Zeiders?”

“Fuck yeah,” Ben says. “That song’s fire.Kiss on her lips just like cyanide,” he sings out the lyrics making even Maya raise her eyes at him. He’s normally not one to sing out loud like that.

I nod feeling the same way. As the song plays, I strum along with it trying to figure out the chords.

Ben is right, this song is fire and it’s hitting different after the way Natalie caught my eye last night. She’s poison that’s for sure, and I need to cut that shit out of my mind real quick.



It’s a pretty shitty feeling having to start my Monday morning off with Natalie. As if Mondays weren’t hard enough, knowing I’ll have to work with her today just puts me in a foul mood. All weekend, I couldn’t get the way her ass looked out of my head, which just pissed me off more. I shouldneverhave looked at her like that.

I enter the class and head straight to my desk, plopping down with a big thud and pulling my hat even lower than it already was, hoping to catch just a few seconds of shut-eye before the class actually starts.

“Morning, everyone,” Mrs. Anderson says after the bell rings. “I’m in a giving mood so though it was supposed to be done today, I will let you interview one another in class one more time if you haven’t finished. If you’ve already completed your interviews, you can start working on the written portion of the assignment to hopefully complete it during class time. For those ofyou who haven’t finished your interviews”—she literally stares at Natalie and me—“you will have to work on the written portion tonight as your homework. So, go ahead. Either head outside if you need to talk to each other or please stay at your desk and get to writing.”

Everyone pulls out their laptops and gets their notes out from the interviews they did last week. Natalie and I are the only people to get up and head outside.

I throw my notebook on the table we sat at last week before sliding my feet in so I’m facing her.

“Do you think we can actually finish this without you walking away again?” I ask.

Natalie doesn’t even look up at me. “Whatever. Just give me five things you like to do, and we’ll be done with it.”

She sits with her pen in hand and notebook open, waiting for me to talk.

When I don’t say anything, she finally looks up at me.

I raise my eyebrows slightly, saying, “It’s an interview. You’re supposed to ask me questions.”

She inhales a deep breath, looks down at her book, and begins. “What’s your middle name?”

“Delmont,” I state matter-of-factly.