Page 24 of How We Hated

“Ah, now, that’s better,” I whisper in her ear, my mouth lingering there for a few more seconds just to get a reaction from her as I watch chills cover her arms.

“Why, yes, it certainly is.”

She gives me raging bedroom eyes, and my dick gets a chub instantly.

When she shimmies slightly against it, I know she knows it too.

I let out a loud laugh and nod my head.

Oh, yeah, I’m getting me some tonight for sure.

Ashley, a girl Marcus has been trying to hook up with, enters the room with Susie, and I am surprised to see Natalie right behind them. I might see Natalie and her brother at other parties, but neither of them has ever set foot in any of the TimeLand owners’ homes.

I laugh at the so-called family feuds that all of our parents have had with Natalie’s parents for as long as I can remember. It’s never made sense to me, but I swear this town loves the drama of it all. They moved the company here before I was even born, you’d think they’d let bygones be bygones by now, but who I am to tell them how to live their lives—bitterness and all.

I slap Marcus’s shoulder and point her way. He raises his eyebrows at me, and I let out a sharp laugh. Looks like he’ll be getting lucky tonight too.

Natalie catches my attention from across the room. I can’t help but stare as I take her in from this distance. I’ve honestly never really even looked at her. We’ve had this unspoken understanding to steer clear of each other over the years, where we would never even acknowledge that the other person existed. Why haven’t I ever noticed how damn cute she is?

She really is though.

Checking out the way her tight jeans hug her ass perfectly makes my dick come to life again for a reason other than the girl who’s currently trying way too hard to attract it.

Natalie has on a tank top that sits just above her waistline, and her boobs—my fucking God, does she have amazing tits! How have I never noticed them?

I’m lost in thought, wondering what they would feel like against me, when Trish acknowledges the bulge in my pants getting bigger and thinks she’s to thank for it.

She leans down and whispers, “I’m down to leave early to really get this party started if you want.”

She reaches down and rubs her hand across my jeans, and I have to close my eyes at the sensations that run through me just to get ahold of myself.

After I inhale a deep breath, I grab her ass. “Patience. We have all night.”

I give her a quick kiss on the cheek, which seems to settle the issue, as she goes back to talking to her friend who’s sitting next to us.

I look back and lock eyes with Natalie, but just as fast as we do, she looks away, acting like it never happened.

That’s when I remember who I’m actually looking at. I’ve never noticed her body because I never cared to notice her, and I still don’t.

Pushing her completely out of my thoughts, I turn my attention back to Trish and the people we’re sitting with.

As the night progresses, the beer is flowing, and right along with it, myI don’t give a fuckattitude is coming out. Trish pretty much hasn’t left my lap all night, but I haven’t minded, especially with the rubdown she’s been giving me on and off this entire time. With the way she’s teasing me, Lord knows, by the time we actually get alone, I’m going to need to come right away. I hope she’s just as turned on when we get to that point.

The party is thinning out, and there’s just a handful of us still sitting in the hangout room when someone yells out, “Let’s play Never Have I Ever.”

“Oh, I’m down,” Trish says, waggling her ass in my lap for the hundredth time tonight.

We go around the room with about fifteen of us playing along. Some questions make us laugh, and some are just lame, but that’s the nature of the game, I guess.

When it’s Natalie’s turn, I’m shocked when she says something as bold as, “I’ve never slept with anyone who’s playing this game right now.”

Trish eyes me playfully, and we clink bottles before each taking a drink. I look around to see who else is taking a drink and am shocked when I see Eli take a swig. That dog. He’s so quiet that he even keeps that shit to himself. Looking around the room, I’m dying to know with who, but I know he’ll never tell me, so I shrug and move on. It’s kind of shocking just how many people take a drink, so I guess there’s no real way to tell anyway.

We play a few more rounds before even more people take off, and it’s just my crew of Marcus, Maya, Ben, and Eli, along with Trish, Natalie, Susie, and Ashley hanging out.

Trish leans in to kiss me, and I let her for a second before I pull back and tell her I’m going to go get another drink. I’m all for hooking up tonight, but I’m not a huge PDA kind of guy. Our time will come. She huffs as she gets off my lap and lets me head out of the room to where the beer is kept.

After I close the fridge, I turn and see Natalie coming out of the bathroom.