Page 14 of How We Hated

“Nothing, my ass. Did you just get in a fight?”

He puts the truck in drive and leaves the parking lot while turning up the music. “Don’t worry about it.”

I reach over and turn it down. “Don’t give me that. Who did that to you?”

He turns up the music louder as his way of saying,Back off, so I do. He can be just as stubborn as my father, so there’s no reason to bother when he gets like this.

Of course my thoughts go straight to Dalton. He’s the only person who Thomas would get in a fight with. I didn’t tell my brother what I did last night. I know hewould have bitched at me for what could have possibly happened to his truck, so it just wasn’t worth it to tell him.

I’m not surprised if he tried to handle the situation by himself, but by the looks of it, it didn’t go too well.

I lean back in my seat and pick up my phone to see if Dalton responded. Of course, it shows asRead, but no response. We have to decide something tonight for our project, and him not answering me makes it impossible to do so.

I sigh.Why do I have to put up with this nonsense?

I send him another Snap.

We have to decide on our subject tonight.

I stare at my phone for a while, waiting for it to show asRead, but of course, it doesn’t. By the time we get home, I’m even more annoyed I’m stuck with him and ready to just go ride Brandy and forget about the anxiety he’s causing in my life.



I sit down in my seat in English class, absolutely dreading the idea of having to work with Natalie today. When I look a few rows over to where she is, she’s already staring a hole through me.

Fucking fantastic.

Yes, she sent me a Snap, giving me her number, and, yes, I ignored it. I was hoping, in some cosmic way, I would wake up, and this would all have been a dream, but no such luck.

After the bell rings, Mrs. Anderson gets our attention. “Morning, everyone. I hope you all were able to talk to your partners and decide on a topic for the interview.”

I close my eyes and curse,Fuck me, to myself.

I grab my phone and open the Snap she sent last night that I never looked at. After what I did to herbrother’s face, I was not ready to listen to her bitch about it. When I see she was asking about the assignment, I feel like an ass.

Her expression proves I’ve already more than pissed her off, so I give her a cheesy, sarcastic grin to sew up the start to another fucked-up morning.

We were supposed to pick a topic that we would interview each other about. It had to be the same subject, like favorite food or how many siblings we had, but our answers had to be something totally different than one another. So, if we both only had one sister, that wouldn’t work, or if we both liked pizza the most, that was a no-go. The goal was to learn about life through someone else’s experiences.

The problem is, we have to answer ourselves for the other person. Mrs. Anderson says this is how she’ll make sure we are each holding up our end of the bargain—which I’ve already failed.

As the teacher starts down the rows, asking partners what their topics are, I look at Natalie with wide eyes, and she starts moving her hand in a weird way over and over again. I squint my eyes, thinking she’s crazy, then finally catch on to what she’s doing.

My older sister, Leslie, knows sign language, and as I take in the movements she’s making with her hands, I try to remember what Leslie taught me. I put my hands under my desk and try like hell to work my way through the alphabet she taught me last year.

When I get toH, I notice it’s the same sign Natalie started her word off with.

When I look back to Natalie, she rolls her eyes as she spells out what she’s trying to say for the tenth time.

“Natalie and Dalton,” Mrs. Anderson calls out. “What topic did you guys choose?”

Thankfully, Natalie speaks up. “We’re going to do hobbies. Dalton’s is running.”

My head snaps up as I turn to her in shock.How did she know I liked running?

“Okay,” Mrs. Anderson says as she writes it down on her notepad, where she’s keeping track of everyone’s topics. “And, Dalton, what is Natalie’s?”