Page 79 of Fumbled Past

The other team is able to score a long field goal, which is the luckiest chip shot of the kid’s career and something that will be talked about for years to come, I’m sure. But that leaves us down by three, and there’s only a minute and twenty seconds left on the clock.

Aaron slowly makes his way down the field, knowing that their defense is so strong that he’s barely had any throwing time during the whole game. They’ve had to rely on the running game so he can get rid of the ball faster to avoid the tackle.

The only problem is, we’re only getting a few yards at a time while time is the last thing we actually have.

It’s fourth down and inches with twenty-four seconds on the clock, and I can’t help but grab my chest in pain when I see my dad telling Aaron to stay on the field and go for it.

I watch, completely frozen, as Aaron lines up behind the center on the line of scrimmage.

“Hut, hut, hut!” he screams out, and a guy from the other team jumps across the imaginary line while our entire offense doesn’t move a muscle.

The referee blows his whistle, and the announcer yells, “Offsides for the Wildcats, giving the Bulldogs an automatic first down.”

I nearly fall off my stool as I jump up, screaming for joy that they were able to get him to jump offsides.

We have a fresh set of downs, but we’re still on their forty-yard line with only twenty-four seconds left, so though that is cause for a celebration, we still have some work to do.

The first play is called, and we only gain a few yards. Same with the second. The third play gets us ten yards and a fresh set of downs, but none of that will matter unless we can make something happen right now with only five seconds left on the clock.

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, trying to stop myself from having a panic attack, as Aaron sets up the offensive line with Beau and Gabe, the running back, set off to the side.

Aaron calls, “Hike,” and the center tosses him the ball just as he races back to buy himself time, searching for Beau and Gabe, who are hustling down to the goal line.

I gasp for air as Aaron reaches back and perfectly throws the ball in the air directly to Beau, just as he’s tackled to the ground.

I scream at the top of my lungs since Beau crossed the goal line just before he was hit and right as the buzzer sounded the end of the game.

The crowd goes insane as everyone races to Beau at the other end of the field, but something tells me to look at Aaron.

When I do, my entire world crashes around me.

He’s not getting up, and two guys from the team are trying to get the trainers’ attention.

As everyone runs to Beau to celebrate the best win I’ve ever seen on this field, I head toward Aaron with a deep feeling in my gut that something is seriously wrong.


Senior Year

The closer I get to Aaron, the more I see just how hurt he is.

“Daddy!” I turn to yell, but he’s already running our way.

I look at the crowd celebrating with Beau. Even though the entire stands surround him, a few are noticing what’s going on downfield, and they start to head our way.

Loud grunts grab my attention, and I run over to where I see Aaron lying on the floor, wincing in pain as he tries to move around but his leg isn’t going anywhere.

I watch in horror as my dad yells out, “Someone, call an ambulance!”

A trainer on the other team runs toward the sideline, waving his hands to get the attention of some officials. Since we’re not home, we don’t know where a phone is or who can make the call.

I cover my mouth as tears start to run down my cheeks when I see his mom rushing to him from the sideline with an expression of absolute fear covering her face.

Seeing Aaron lying there while wincing in pain, gripping at the grass around him, makes my entire body hurt for him. I want to help him, comfort him, but I’ve never felt so helpless as I stand here in shock from the entire situation.

Heather runs over to me and puts her arm around my shoulders. I instantly turn and embrace her in a hug as I cry into her shoulder.

“He’s going to be okay,” she says as she rubs my back.