Page 61 of Fumbled Past

“I came back here to talk to you,” Beau says. “Who are those guys you’re with?”

Everything about this moment has me not thinking straight. For these past few months, I’ve tried very hard to avoid him at all costs, but being with him now, like this, it’s too much. My heart is pounding out of my chest, and I feel like the connection between my lips and brain is no longer functioning. Every aspect of him that I’ve tried to rid from my memory comes crashing back faster than a fighter pilot trying to break the sound barrier.

Having his large frame tower over me—feeling like, in one swoop, he could pick me up in his arms—is clouding all my senses. What does me in the most though are his eyes. The way he’s staring at me with so much emotion, so much desire.

I know I need to get out of here. Now.

I try to leave, but he sidesteps me again.

“Sadie”—his eyes widen—“who are those guys?”

“What guys?” I ask, not able to form a better sentence because I honestly can’t remember for the life of me how I even got here.

He raises his eyebrows. “The guys you and Heather have been sitting in the back of a truck with.”

“Oh.” I close my eyes, suddenly remembering my life before this exact moment. “Guys who go to Fisher. Heather met one of them at the mall.”

I go to leave, not wanting to have any more of a conversation with Beau than that, but he stands in front of me, preventing me from moving in any way.

I look up at him again, realizing he’s grown over the past year, making me feel even smaller than the last time I stood next to him.

His dark features stand out even more, and his jawline is covered in a thin stubble from not shaving.

We stare at each other, and I instantly lose my breath. I can’t talk even though I open my mouth to tell him to move. I try, but nothing comes out.

He places his finger under my chin. “I still think about you,” he whispers, staring at my lips. “I know I shouldn’t. Goddammit, I’ve tried to rid you from my brain, but I can’t. Tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way.”

Thankfully, every pain I’ve felt in the past two months comes flooding back, and I step away from him so my back’s against the restroom door.

I shake my head. “No. Nope. Don’t go there. You’re with Megan. There is no way I’m getting messed up in that again. For the first time this summer, I’m actually out and having a good time.”

He looks shocked as I sidestep him and head outside, trying my hardest not to think about what just happened. I was finally feeling normal again, and that was thanks to Wyatt. He could be the guy to take me out of this mess. Plus, him not being afraid of my dad could be just what I need.

Once I get back to the truck, Wyatt jumps down again and gives me his hand to help me get back in the bed of the truck. I climb over and take my seat, going over every second in my mind.

Heather looks at me with worry etched all over her face. “You okay?”

I fake a smile that I hope she believes. There’s no way I would ever tell her anything about who I just ran into. Megan already hates me. I don’t want to push that hatred any more.


I take a deep breath and try to channel how I was feeling only a few minutes ago before I left this truck bed.

Tire screeching out of the parking lot catches our attention, and Heather turns to see what the commotion is.

Once she sees it’s Beau’s car, she quickly turns to me, and I just look away. She can assume all she wants, but my lips are sealed because nothing happened.

Nothing but words said at least.


Junior Year

I wake up to my dad knocking on my door.

“Yes,” I say sleepily.

“You have a call. Megan’s on the phone.” He walks in, handing me the cordless phone.