Page 29 of Fumbled Past

“Mi casa es su casa.” He opens his arms out wide with a cheesy grin. “Just stay out of my parents’ room. The rest of the house is yours to do as you wish.”

He high-fives Justin and Beau, and my eyes instantly go wide as I stare at Heather.

She notices my expression and excuses us, pulling me to the bathroom. After she shuts the door, she holds up her hand. “I promise I had no idea it wasthiskind of party.”

“Heather, oh my God.”

“But, hey, Beau came here … for you.” She points at me playfully.

My heart pounds out of my chest. “You think he knew what kind of party this was?”

“Um, yeah, he knew.”

I turn to the mirror, only to see just how red my face is. I hate how my own body betrays me, showing all my feelings and emotions, written very clearly all over my face by the color of my skin.

“We can leave if you want?” she says, placing her hand on my shoulder.

“No.” I shake my head. “No. I’m fine.” I rub my lips together. “I mean, I like Beau. I’ve liked him for a while now.”

“And I’m pretty sure he likes you too. Come on. Let’s go have some fun.” She hip-bumps me, then opens the door.

I look in the mirror one more time, then take a deep breath and throw caution out the window. I exit the bathroom and head straight to Beau, who’s sitting at the kitchen table, talking to a few other players who look to be here alone tonight.

Maybe this party isn’t all that I thought at first.

As I approach him, he scoots his chair out, reaching for my hand and motioning for me to sit on his lap. I do so, feeling more comfortable with the situation, knowing it’s not just the couples I saw as we walked in.

Two of the guys are deep in conversation about tonight’s game, so Beau whispers in my ear, “I promise I didn’t know this would mainly be a couples thing.”

I shrug. “It’s okay.”

He takes this as an invitation and places his hand between my knees. “Good to know.”

One of the guys asks him a question about a play tonight, and I love when Beau has me lean a little more back on him as he answers him.

I try not to laugh as they both try to hide their surprise to see me here, with him—or anyone for that matter. Knowing Beau isn’t afraid to show his feelings for me makes me so dang happy that I could explode right now.

The two guys go back to their conversation, so Beau scoots away from the table so his back is against the wall, pulling us away from the guys so we can talk in private.

I’m mere inches from his face when he places his fingers on my hair, tucking a strand behind my ear. “I’m glad we’re finally getting to hang out.”

I rub my lips together and nod. “Yeah. After we got caught on the field, my dad was pretty pissed.”

“Oh, yeah. I know all too well.” He laughs.

I tilt my head at him with a coquettish grin. “It looks like it turned out well for you. Starting on varsity as a sophomore. Congrats.”

“Yeah, Aaron and I proved our worth. He kicked both of our asses for sure, but it was only to our benefit. Good thing he wasn’t there with us that night, or I’m not sure what would have happened to him. Coach already pushed him enough as it was, and he wasn’t even in trouble.”

Anger creeps up when I think of him telling on us, but I don’t allow it. I’m not letting Aaron ruin my night again.

I lick my lips and watch as Beau stares directly at them. Before I can even ask myself if he’ll kiss me, he runs his fingers through my hair and pulls me to him, pressing his lips to mine in a kiss so passionate that I nearly die from how tight it makes my chest feel.

As he tilts his head, he inhales a breath, and I feel like he’s just inhaled my entire soul, taking anything he wants from me and me giving it willingly.

I lift my arm to wrap around his neck, and he pulls me close to him as he runs his tongue over mine. Chills cover my body, and all I want is to be closer to him.

I’m completely lost in his arms until someone hits our chair, breaking us from our trance.