Page 102 of Fumbled Past

Aaron tries to stop me, but I push him away as I follow Beau out of the gym and toward the parking lot.

“Will you please talk to me?” I yell, not able to keep up with him.

He finally stops and turns to me. “So, all of that is true?”

I hug myself and drop my head, ashamed. “Yes.”

“If you got into Cal, then you’ve known for months. Months!” he yells, throwing his arms out to the sides. “How could you keep something like that from me? And every time I asked you to come with me, you didn’t think to tell me just how easy that would be?” His voice cracks, and my heart breaks that much more.

I grab his arm, but he pulls it away from my grip.

“I wanted to be sure I was going for the right reason.”

He narrows his eyes, and his shoulders slightly fall forward. “Right reason?” he says barely above a whisper.

It’s obvious he’s fighting back tears, and seeing his make mine come on even stronger.

“Like our love wasn’t the right reason?”

“I don’t mean it like that. I just wanted to be sure,” I plead, then realize how much of a mistake that was.

“It’s been this long, and you’re still not sure?” He pauses and looks me in the eye.

The pain he’s feeling radiates off of him so much that he might as well be holding a flashing neon sign spelling it out for everyone to see. There’s no way he can even try to hide the emotions racing through him. Emotions that I caused.

He steps back and takes a deep breath while pacing for a few seconds to gain his composure before coming back to me. “That’s the difference between me and you. I’ve been sure since that first dance at Gabe’s house. There’s been no question that you are the girl for me. Yet you can’t seem to make up your mind between me or Aaron.”

He steps back and inhales a deep breath, then gives me a firm nod, like his mind has been made up.

“The time has come. You need to decide. Is it me, or is it him? I leave in four days. If it takes you that long to decide”—he steps up closer to me—“then you’ve made up your mind, and I’m not it. If I don’t hear from you by tomorrow, then I don’t want you coming with me. This”—he motions between the two of us—“should be the easiest decision you’ve ever made. If it’s not, then we aren’t meant to be, and we need to move on with our lives. Then, maybe I’ll finally get out from under the spell you put on me four years ago when I walked into your house for the first time.”

He doesn’t wait for a response and instead just turns and leaves.

I stand there, breaking down inside because I know that every word he just said is true.

Loving someone should come naturally. It shouldn’t be a question if you do or if you don’t.

I want to get out of here, but I left my things inside.

When I turn to head back to the gym, all I see is Aaron standing there, waiting for me to make up my mind as well.


After Graduation

I wake up with a pounding headache. My eyes almost feel swollen shut from crying so much last night. I glance to the side and see Heather still asleep next to me.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in, thanking God for having such an amazing friend in Heather. Throughout all my high school years, she’s been my rock, and last night was no different.

I panicked when I saw Aaron standing there. I knew I couldn’t leave with him, but since I lived with him now, I didn’t have any other option. Until Heather came to my rescue. She ran out the door and came straight to me, wrapping me in her arms and walking me to her car so we could go home.

She missed her entire grad night for me, and I’ll be forever grateful for her that she stayed by my side.

Once we’re both awake, I roll to my side and look at her. “Thanks for being here with me.”

She smiles. “You know I’ll always be here for you. Which is why you should just stay here in Tennessee.”

She grins jokingly, and I fall to my back with a sigh.