Page 89 of Fumbled Past

We sit in silence until he asks, “Everything okay?”

I want to tell him about the fight I had with Beau, but I know that would be all kinds of awkward, so instead, I say, “Just a long day. Glad it’s the weekend.”

“Yep. Me too. Can’t wait to get out and party,” he says sarcastically, looking at me with an annoyed expression and rolling his eyes.

I playfully hit his shoulder. “Oh, stop. You’ll be back to hanging out with everyone here soon.”

“Do you have plans tonight?”

I thought I had plans. Big ones. But I doubt they’ll happen now. I sigh. “Not anymore.”

We watch TV for a few minutes before we both hear a loud truck pull up in front. From where we’re sitting, we can fully see the street, and there’s no mistaking Beau’s truck.

My heart starts to pound faster as he gets out of the truck and stares at Aaron’s place. I know firsthand that at this time of day, you can’t see in as well as you can see out, so I wonder if he can see me sitting here, staring at him.

“So, that’s what’s wrong?” Aaron asks.

His words startle me, and I turn to him. “What?”

“It’s obvious something is wrong with you. By the looks of that”—he points to the street, where Beau hasn’t moved—“you two must have had a fight.”

I bite the inside of my lip, not sure what to say.

“Go,” he states clearly so I don’t misunderstand him. “I don’t need your help. Go talk to him.”

I inhale a deep breath and stand. “Okay, but I’ll just be out front on our swing. I’ll grab the phone and bring it outside, so you can reach me if you need anything.”

“I’m not that helpless. Get out of here.”

I give him a small smile and head out his door.

When I step on the front patio, I close the door behind me and pause before saying anything to Beau. We both stare at each other, not sure what to say.

I make my way toward him and stop just a foot in front of him. “Hi.”

He reaches out and grabs my hand. “Hi. How’s Aaron doing?”

His eyes move to the house. I turn and notice with the way the sun is right now, you can’t see inside the front window at all, so he has no way of knowing I was in there when he first got here.

“He’s fine.” I motion toward my front porch. “Want to go sit down?”

He looks back to Aaron’s house, then nods. “Yeah.”

We walk back to my place, out of view of Aaron and anyone else who might drive by.

I open my front door, then stop to say, “I’m just going to get the phone in case Aaron needs me.”

Beau grabs the door above my head and holds on to it. “Can I just come in?”

I inhale a sharp breath. If my dad knew Beau was here when he wasn’t home, he’d kill me. I think about it, but really, all it takes is one look at Beau’s face, and I’m a goner.

The way he raises his eyebrows ever so slightly with a sexy grin takes all my willpower and tosses it up in the air like confetti to be spread across the ground, never to be in one piece again.

We enter the house, and Beau shuts the door behind him as he looks around.

“My dad’s not home.”

“I know. I saw him go into a meeting with Hightower.”