Page 87 of Fumbled Past

“Are you in pain?” I ask sincerely.

He inhales a breath, then lets it out slowly, like he’s not sure how he wants to answer.

I place my hand on his shoulder again. “It’s okay if you are. And it’s okay if you’re scared. You can talk to me.”

He looks over his shoulder at me, and I instantly see the twelve-year-old boy I knew back then who fell off his bike and wanted to cry so bad but acted tough because I was around.

“Aaron …” I whisper. “Don’t bottle everything in. You’ve been through a traumatic thing. You should be freaked out in some kind of way.”

Tears fill his eyes, but he blinks them away, then picks up the remote to turn on the guide to see what else is on.

I don’t say anything else. He knows I’m here if he wants to talk, and I don’t want to push him any more than that.


Senior Year

“What do you say you and I head out to the lake tonight?” Beau whispers in my ear as he leans up against me at my locker between classes.

I giggle at the way his breath tickles my neck. “Won’t it be too cold out there?”

“For what I have planned, no. Our body heat will keep us warm.”

He kisses my lips, and shivers shoot straight down my spine, pooling in a sea of desire that instantly lights my blood on fire.

He pulls back to look in my eyes, and I nod ever so slightly. “Okay.”

It’s all I have to say, and he presses up against me even harder, pushing himself into me as he kisses on my neck.

The bell rings, and both of us want to whine with disappointment that we have to separate from this moment, but class calls.

“See you at lunch,” he says before taking off in a sprint since his next period class is across the school.

I make sure my locker is locked and meet up with Heather, who’s in my next period class.

“How’s the patient doing?” she asks as we walk into the classroom together.

It’s been two weeks since Aaron was brought home, and life hasn’t gotten much easier for him. Getting around in his house is next to impossible since he has to keep his leg straight out, and hallways and doorways just aren’t made for a tall guy like him to be in this position.

“He’s bored. Frustrated. Still in pain.” I turn to face her. “Poor guy just can’t catch a break.”

She hip-bumps me. “He’s got you as his private nurse. Believe me, life could be worse. I’m surprised Beau’s been okay with all of this.”

I sit down in my seat and think about Beau and Aaron. I know Aaron and I have history, but that’s obviously in the past. It doesn’t even feel like we ever dated. Over the last two weeks, I feel like we’ve really gotten back to ourselves, to our friendship.

Beau’s been really supportive as well, so I’m kind of surprised by Heather’s statement.

“Beau doesn’t even seem bothered that I’m helping him,” I state matter-of-factly.

Her mouth drops open. “He’s okay with you hanging out with Aaron as much as you do?”

I shrug as the final bell rings. “Yeah. Hasn’t even mentioned it.”

“Well, color me surprised,” she responds, opening her notebook to the assignment we worked on yesterday.

After class, I meet Beau at our usual spot for lunch. We’re surrounded by our friends, so I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around him.

What Heather asked still weighs heavy on me, so I ask him, “Does it bother you I’m helping Aaron so much?”