Page 85 of Fumbled Past

“It will be a few weeks before we take out anything that you can see. The pins could stay in for up to a year. All depends on how your healing goes.”

Aaron’s eyes open wide as he asks in panic, “A year?”

“Don’t you worry. Just because you have pins in doesn’t mean you can’t play. I’d give it four to five months before you’re back to yourself. Physical therapy will be a must, and we’ll take it day by day. But I see no problem with playing next season.”

Aaron’s shoulders visibly loosen at the news the doctor just gave him. I smile big at Debbie, whose eyes are welling up with tears.

“That’s great news, Doctor,” she says.

“Sure is. You can spend all that time off your feet in the weight room, just getting your upper half stronger. Texas won’t know what hit ’em,” Dad says proudly, like Aaron was his own son.

“You bet, Coach. I’ll be ready for sure.” Aaron holds his head up high.

“No doubt you will be,” Dad replies.

We say our good-bye to the doctor and all make our way back around Aaron to hang out like we used to in the past. Two families molded into one in a neighborly way.


Senior Year

“What’s your plan for tonight?” Beau asks as he walks me to my car after school.

Now that football season is over and drill is taking the month off too, it’s so nice we get to hang out a little more.

I lean against my car and pull him to me, loving the way his body covers mine. He leans down and kisses my lips softly, making me melt instantly into him. When his large hand grips my waist and pulls me closer to him, I can’t help the soft moan that escapes my lips.

We’ve been together for a few months now, and we have yet to go all the way. Mainly because we haven’t had the opportunity to do so. With him so busy with football and me with drill, it’s been impossible, but now that it’s over, I feel like we’re both a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

Before we get too heavy, he pulls back and gives me room to breathe as he places his forehead to mine.

That’s when I have to break it to him that I can’t hang out tonight.

“I’m sorry, but Aaron comes home today, and I promised Debbie I’d be there to help get them both settled in their new routine,” I say, hoping he’ll understand the situation.

Yes, it’s a little weird that I’m going to take care of my ex-boyfriend, but Beau also needs to understand that Aaron and his mom are not just my ex-boyfriend and his mom. I’ve known them for so long, and it’s important to me that I be there for them both.

Disappointment is etched in every gorgeous line on his face, but he keeps his feelings to himself when he says, “Okay. You’ll call me later then?”

I kiss his lips again. “Absolutely. I’m going to help get dinner on, so I’ll call you after that.”

He grips my waist and kisses me with even more passion than a few minutes ago. His firm grip on me feels so possessive that I want to just give myself to him right here and right now.

When honking next to us breaks us apart, I nearly die from embarrassment at how lost I just got here on school grounds in the parking lot.

“Get a room before Coach sees what you’re doing to his daughter, Brady,” a teammate of his yells out.

Beau flips him off as I bury my head in his chest.

When he leans back to leave, he gives me the sexiest smirk I’ve ever seen in my entire life before turning and running to where a group of guys are walking to the second parking lot, where he normally parks.

I hop in my car and look in the rearview mirror, only to see just how flustered he makes me. My cheeks are beet red and my lips swollen from his kisses. It’s the best I’ve ever looked.

With a cheesy grin all to myself, I start my car and back out of the space before heading home.

Debbie planned to arrive shortly after I got home from school, so I’m sitting on our porch swing when they pull into the driveway.

I rush to the passenger side of the car, where Aaron is sitting with the seat back as far as it will go so his leg can be straight. When I open the door, I can’t help but laugh at how uncomfortable he looks, sitting more to the side to give his leg the most room possible.