Page 68 of Fumbled Past

“Whoa. Everything okay?”

I rub my eyes. “No. But it will be.”

“What happened?” Her voice echoes concern, and I know I have to tell her, as it’s too late to pretend like nothing happened.

“Let’s just say, my date with Wyatt didn’t go very well.”

“What? Like how?”

I fill her in about the entire night, down to driving home with complete strangers who had become my guardian angels.

“I’ll kill him!” she announces.

“No, you won’t. It’s fine. Believe me, he was terrified of the guy who had thrown him like he was a beanbag.”

She laughs. “He was really that big?”

“Like WWE big.” I emphasize every word.

“Good. That’s what he gets!”

I nod as I inhale a deep breath. “Yeah. So, no more double dates for a little while, okay?”

“I’m sorry. This is all my fault. When Blake didn’t pan out, I should have warned you that Wyatt was probably a douchebag too.”

“Don’t worry about it. I thought he was a good guy too. Lesson learned. But, hey, I want to get in the shower. Can I call you later?”

“Sure. Call me later, and we’ll go do something tonight.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

“’Kay. Bye.”


I hang up and climb out of bed, only to see just how swollen and red my eyes really are. A good, hot shower is exactly what I need, so I grab my towel and head toward the bathroom, avoiding my dad on the way.

In the shower, I let the hot water pound against my body, hoping that it washes away every bad memory I have. After I’m done washing my body and hair, I sit there for entirely too long, just feeling the heat from the water on my skin. It’s amazing how something as simple as a hot shower can soothe your body in a way nothing else can.

When I notice the water isn’t as hot and I can’t turn the dial any farther to the left, I decide it’s time to get out and turn it all the way off.

As I grab my towel and start to dry off, memories of how good my life was just a few months ago keep forcing their way into my mind, no matter how much I fight it. How fitting that the first person I tried to talk to after Beau and Aaron turned out to be a total asshole.

Taking a deep sigh, I step out of the bathtub and walk across the hall to my room. As I get dressed, I hear a knock on my window.

There’s only one person who would ever knock on my window, and my heart stops at the sound. I stand still, wondering if I’m hearing things, but when he knocks again, I have to calm my heart down from pounding so fast.

I yell out, “Hold on,” as I slide on my shorts and slip a tank top over my head before I walk to the window.

When I move my curtain out of the way, my stomach turns in a nervous twist that feels like a taffy maker suddenly took to my insides. Aaron is standing there, staring at me and waiting for me to open the window.

As I slide the window up, I take a slow inhale in an effort to get my bearings.

“Hey,” I say, having no clue what else to say.

He steps closer to me. “Are you okay?”

His concern catches me off guard, and it takes me a few seconds to realize why he’s asking me that.