Page 65 of Fumbled Past

We make our way to the drive-in while chatting about the differences between the towns we live in as well as the schools that we attend.

“Yeah, you should have seen my friend Logan’s face when I told him I was taking you on a date.” He laughs at the memory. “Let’s just say, he knew exactly who your dad was.”

I turn in my seat to face him more as he’s driving down the highway. “You really didn’t know who he was?”

He glances down at his fairly skinny frame, considering he’s over six feet tall. “Do I look like I play football?” he jokes.

“Hey, I’ve seen all shapes and sizes play, so don’t ever assume. I’m sure my dad would have had a field day with you being so tall and how off the quarterback could be with throwing a pass but you’d possibly still be able to catch it.”

He shrugs. “Nah. It’s never been my thing. I play baseball in the spring though.”

“Now, there’s something I know almost nothing about,” I say with a giggle.

He grins my way. “I’d love to teach you then.”

I smile as I bite the inside of my lip and turn back to face the front. I should be flattered by him wanting to teach me, but really, I have no interest in watching anything but football.

He pulls off the highway and into the drive-in theater, where I seeCruel Intentionsis playing tonight. Even though I’ve already seen it, I’m super excited to see it again because Ryan Phillippe is sexy as hell in it. When I learned that he and Reese Witherspoon were getting married, I loved it even more. I can’t believe they were together when she slapped him in the movie. That must have been crazy for her to do.

After paying for our tickets, he finds a spot off to the side, away from everyone, and backs into the spot so we’ll be facing the movie in the back of the truck.

I go to exit the truck, and he stops me by placing his hand on my arm.

“You’re okay with us sitting back there, right?”

“Yeah.” I shrug. “It’s a nice night out, so I’m sure it will be fine.”

He nods and opens his door, then moves his seat up to grab the items he brought with him.

I place my foot on the back of the truck, and he’s quick to throw the blankets over the side before rushing to help me up.

“Such a gentlemen,” I say with a grin as I allow him to place his hands on my waist and help lift me over the edge of the tailgate.

As he climbs over the tailgate himself, I grab some of the blankets and start laying them out for us to sit on. Thankfully, he also brought pillows, so I prop them up as back rests before sitting down.

“Comfortable?” he asks after he sits beside me.

I nod. “Actually, it’s not too bad. Thanks for bringing these.”

He reaches for a cooler sitting in the corner and opens it to show me he also brought us some snacks and drinks.

I lean over him a little to see it better since it’s on his side of the truck. “Whatcha got in there?”

I don’t realize just how on top of him I am until I feel his breath on my neck, and I push back at the awkward feeling it causes within me.

“A little of this and a little of that as well as some whiskey to put in our Cokes,” he responds.

I sit back in my seat, nervous all of a sudden, as he holds up the bottle of Jack Daniel’s, tilting it back and forth like it’s a toy that he’s trying to taunt me with, as if I were a five-year-old kid and he doesn’t want to give it to me.

I haven’t gotten drunk since the night all hell broke loose, and I’m not sure if I want to tonight.

“Want some?”

He takes two red Solo cups out of the cooler as well as some Cokes and sets it all in front of him, not even waiting for my response.

Thankfully, he notices I haven’t said anything, and he turns to face me beside him with raised eyebrows. “You don’t want any?”

Well, shit. Now, I feel stupid for not wanting any.